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Upplagd: 30 maj @ 1:53
Uppdaterad: 5 jun @ 17:08

Can't really recommend it even as a free to play title.

Game feels slow and floaty with network, crashing and desync issues out the whazoo and very bad input delay. The game had issues on beta but it wasn't this bad or numerous. Can't tell if the network code even improved when 80% of the matches are interrupted with a "Network desync error. Exiting match" message or someone starts running off the stage over and over because they crashed/disconnected mid-game.

The optimization issues alone are astounding - there's no reason being ABOVE the recommended requirements for this game runs between 20~33 FPS despite being on the lowest possible settings; Unreal Engine 5 shouldn't be performing this badly, let alone for a game that's only a 2.5D fighter. This isn't something everyone experiences it seems, but I certainly do and can only review from my own personal experience.

For some reason, they thought slapping a bunch of currencies making everything confusing and convoluted (and even more expensive) was a good idea. It's like they're afraid of people running out of grinding to do. Of course, the game doesn't have the courtesy of auto collecting rewards for you. It feels like a mobile game, having to click on 20 different things through equally as many menus to get rid of a red "!".

I can see value in the game if it ran properly and some of the design issues were smoothed out - the foundation is there, but the technical issues plague this game far too much which is insane after dying and being down for an entire year after a beta that, for a time, was incredibly successful. All of these issues should have been ironed out to be better - not somehow become worse while failing basic UI and game designed 101.

EDIT: Today in the game's Discord, it was announced today that the "feature" in the Rift on harder difficulties, that the description of the difficulty setting where you have limited lives which, I quote: "(You can purchase more)", with a very intentional pop up to purchase more lives that will come up if you run out of them and "Game Over", is SOMEHOW an "unintended feature" and is a "BUG".
...As if bugs somehow program very coherent code and sentences that are translated in multiple languages about how you can buy more lives. This was somehow an 'accident'.

You cannot make this stuff up. What an awful attempt at gaslighting the community for rightfully being called out on their predatory practices at monetizing in an attempt to dodge accountability.
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