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Análises recentes de RustyRoxx

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31.7 horas registradas (8.6 horas no momento da análise)
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Publicada em 1 de maio de 2020.
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39.5 horas registradas (17.5 horas no momento da análise)
Publicada em 5 de março de 2020.
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8.5 horas registradas (6.9 horas no momento da análise)
Dark souls is an amazing RPG, I have spent many hours ( days, months, years )
But in all honesty I wouldn't take back the time I have lost to this game because it's so amazing from its beautiful scenery to it's annoying hit frames lol.
It's hard and easy it's just so enjoyable to play yourself or cooperate with your friends love the franchise it's just great, I've recently just switched to pc gaming and been on Sony ps1 to PS4 for all my life to be honest I love PlayStation platinum all the dark souls and now I'm set up for a new challenge on pc hehe, but I would recommend playing this great game honestly.
Publicada em 15 de março de 2017.
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