Hi, my name is Ruby and I live in the beautiful old United Kingdom of England-Land.

It's worth noting I'm completely mental bananas, I have anorexia, bulimia and depression, what a wonderful trio.

I don't play many games, but if we have a game in common I'll be happy to play with you. And please dont buy me games, I hate it.

Because I get a million people asking me questions, and they're always the same ones, here's an FAQ!

Q: Are you really a girl?
A: Yes

Q: Tits or GTFO
A: Go crawl in a hole and die

Q: Can I see your nudes?
A: No

Q: Do you have a boyfriend?
A: No

Q: Can I be your boyfriend?
A: No

Q: Do you like ERP?
A: Yes

Q: Can we ERP?
A: If I like you

Here's my F-list, for those who I ERP with. If you have F-list send me a note, I prefer to RP on there so I'll probably give you priority if more than one person wants to have some fun.
Ametrine 4 ธ.ค. 2017 @ 11: 04am 
Hope you are doing okay where evar you are
Stylish Killer 24 ก.ย. 2016 @ 3: 29pm 
Any updates on how she is doing?
Minerva 3 พ.ค. 2016 @ 11: 28am 
I unfortunately don't think so :/ But what matters is that she is alright and feeling well.
TheAmazingM 29 มี.ค. 2016 @ 12: 33pm 
Man guees Ruby isn't comming back is she?
fauna 14 พ.ย. 2015 @ 3: 24pm 
i have cancer add me if im not dead and you come back
TheAmazingM 12 ต.ค. 2015 @ 1: 06pm 
Thanks for the update Plucky. It's kind of sad to know Ruby may not come back but I'm glad she's safe. If you see her and see this massage tell her that I wish her well :)