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178.6 hrs on record (30.8 hrs at review time)
Is a good game
Posted 5 January.
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442.8 hrs on record (99.9 hrs at review time)
Despite the bugs, the gameplay and story are absolutely amazing.
I'd say give it some time, and they'll hopefully iron out the bugs and have it reach its full potential.
Posted 18 December, 2020.
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969.9 hrs on record (142.4 hrs at review time)
So here's the thing.

Dead by Daylight has the potential to be an extremely fun game and is truly unique. It happens to also be an imbalanced PoS.

For those of you unaware, it is an asymmetrical survival horror game where four survivors team together against one killer.

The survivors objective is to repair five generators randomly spawned around the map, and then power exit gates to escape and survive.

The killers objective is to sacrifice the four survivors before they escape.

And there are a variety of different killers and survivors to choose from, survivors and killers each coming with their own unique perks that unlock special abilities, and killers come with their own unique powers that change their playstyle in various ways.

Oh, and there's a leveling system. Playing matches earns you a currency called Blood Points, which can be used to level your character and unlock items and perks to use in future matches. And there's an overall level system that progresses the more you play, rewarding you with a currency called Iridescent Shards. More on that later.

There are currently 12 killers and 13 survivors to choose from.

Something that some people might find alluring to the game is that there are licensed DLC killers alongside original killers and survivors created for the game. Examples of licensed killers would be Michael Myers from Halloween, Leatherface from Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Pig from Saw, and Freddy Krueger from A Nightmare on Elm Street. Alongside these DLC killers are the survivors Laurie Strode Detective Tapp, and Quentin Smith from their respective franchizes.

This game is NOT pay to win. In fact, the strongest killers are all free and come with the base game. And most of the better perks for survivors are on free characters too. And all perks for all killers and survivors have a chance of showing up in the shrine, which is part of the in-game store and changes weekly. You can buy the perks using the Iridescent Shards mentioned above.

The simple fact of the matter is that the DLC killers and survivors should be bought because they look interesting and fun to you. Do not be tricked into thinking that they are required in order for the game to be enjoyable. Aside from buying killers, the only other purchasable thing is an in-game currency called Auric Cells, which can be used to buy cosmetics for nonlicensed survivors and killers.

Finally, the last thing I can say is that your mileage may vary. From my experience, the game can be a 10 or a 0 when it comes to fun depending on the match and the interaction between the killer and survivors. The community varies from being ok to extremely toxic. There's enough variety to keep things interesting and it's extremely replayable. And its progression system gives you a reason to keep playing. However the game is imbalanced at times due mostly in part to particularly strong perks, for both killers and survivors, as well as noticable skill gaps between players that can sometimes occur due to poor matchmaking.

The best advice I can offer is pick up the game if it seems interesting to you, just don't take it too seriously and play for fun. Side note: Fun party game to play with friends.
Posted 25 June, 2018. Last edited 25 June, 2018.
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221.1 hrs on record (23.0 hrs at review time)
Created a couple named Karn and Lucia Everec for the fun of it so they could explore the world together right? Thought it'd be fun to have that extra RP element. 7th or so mission in, I bite off a little more than I can chew and Karn gets his resolve check. He's abusive. Ok... Immediately starts going after his wife, screaming at her, whipping her, etc. Not according to plan... She then fails her check as well, becoming a masochist because reasons I suppose. In the end, they were butchered by God-Pig Scatvald and his side-♥♥♥♥ Wilbur.

Honestly, this game has taught me much about relationships.
11/10 game otherwise though, would recommend.
Posted 2 June, 2017. Last edited 23 December, 2019.
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