Jonathan   Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
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Damn what an extraordinarily good Metroidvania.

Indies of this quality are hard to notice in a sea of filth that can be the indie sphere, but this game is strong, it deserves to be up there with the likes of Salt & Sanctuary, Symphony of the night, Axiom Verge, The messenger and others that I could mention.

The controls are sharp and responsive (except when it comes to laders and climbing), the combat allows you to have some personality thrown in ( arcane archer is the easiest and lethal route tho) the music is apropiately sombre and triumphant depending on the situation, the locations remain dark but each is different enough so that you never feel like its all the same thing and the artstyle remains consistent and engaging (Im looking at you S&S with your eldritch horrors and your bubbly human characters)

Its an outstanding debut with tons of collectables, a great map to explore and an adventure waiting to be taken.

Dont skip on this one, its friggin amazing.