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게시 일시: 2016년 9월 18일 오후 10시 55분
업데이트됨: 2016년 9월 18일 오후 10시 55분

*Early impressions* *indepth thoughts below*

+Great art style
+Great sound design and ost
+Story is told in a really creative and fun way
+Stunning atmosphere
+Story is engaging

-Train is reduced to whack-a-mole minigame
-2d sidescrolling not-zombie is most of the game and boring
-Supplies seem to scream lots of not-zombies ahead with no creative approach viable. Basically it feels lazy.
-Survivors are hidden in the 2d not-zombie shooter segments. This would be a plus if the shooting levels were fun

I had some pretty high hopes for this game, I mean. It sounds amazing in concept. Keep your train running, Scavenge for supplies to keep said train running. However the game has a couple of issues.

First of all it barely has anything to do with trains. The meat of the game is spent in a 2D sidescrolling not-zombie shooter. Which, In my opinion isn't really well thought out. At first i thought it was brillant. Throw objects at zombies to conserve ammo, Use heavy punches to knock off armor plated not-zombies

However shortly after the game just kinda gives you guns and ammo basically screaming "Hey player! How about a group of not-zombies?" I don't feel like a scavenger if literally everything i find is because in the next room over i need to use it to survive. (The breaking point for me was when the game gives you a shotgun and you find a note saying "Don't go into the subway!" And you are, Unless i ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up. Forced to go into the subway)

Back to that train, It's basically a whack-a-mole game as another reviewer described. red "!" appears over a console or person and you have to either play a minigame or give them something. I was really hoping for more meaningful train mechanics. Other then busy work until you get to the next station.

Now, This game does do a lot right. For instance the story is told in a very creative way and the atmosphere is expertly done. For example you have a text message console that allowes you to communicate with other train workers. And your passengers will talk about the lore of the world allowing you to fill in the gaps of the story (if you rescue, and keep them alive anyways) I'll probably keep playing for the story alone to be honest. It's got me hooked. I really wish steam had a neutral button instead of thumbs up/down as this game deserves a neutral in my book.

TL:DR Buy it on sale - Story so far is great - Gameplay is meh
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