Koh Jhones Itula
【★】 Failed artist.
Professional soup drinker.
Hi and have a wonderful day.

🐅 White/Black Tiger Buffed War Paint collector & Merchant 🐅
🦜​ White Gem Macaw Casual Enthusiast 🦜​
​🎵​ Prog-Rock Music Enjoyer 🎸

Backpack [backpack.tf]
My art stuff

I do drawings for skins, keys and yeah also money. Just feel free to ask me and we can talk it out.

Important questions:

>Can ya trade me an skin you have? If it's not on my backpack.tf listing I'm affraid not. Sorry.
>Why do you like tigers so much? Tigesito :tigerinablanket:
>Are you a furry? No matter what I say people will still think otherwise. So eh. (No, I just like tigers)

You could be listening Van der Graaf Generator instead of reading this...
I love my Lady Fantasy .

Featured Artwork Showcase
Lady Fantasy
14 1
0_Kul con exceso de puntualidad 7 Apr, 2018 @ 2:30pm 