Robin de Wit   Alkmaar, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Star Wars favourite Yoda has🈶 shocked😲 the entire Star Wars community by admitting that he has 🈶 been an intergalactic ketamine addict for the last forty years.

According to the little green🐉 man🙇🙇, he started🆕🆕 using ketamine shortly after the first Star Wars movie🎬, A New Hope, was released in 1977 and has🈶 struggled with addiction ever since.

“Ah yes🉑, strung out am I,” he told Wunderground earlier🕔. “For many years, 🔨done🔨 Ketamine has🈶 Yoda. Forty years ago, 🅰️a🅰️ normal man🙇 Yoda was, six 6️⃣ foot🚶🚶 tall and normal colour skin had 🈶 he. Then, one1️⃣ day, 👃sniffed👃 a🅰️ fiesty one1️⃣, did I. Forty years later 🕘, a🅰️ green🐲 midget ketamine addict am I.”

Reports suggest that Star Wars writer✏️ and director George Lucas was aware of Yoda’s addiction but chose not to intervene as 🅰️ he felt it 🇮🇹 added depth to the character🔣.

“Oh yeah, I knew about 🇮🇹it 🇮🇹 from the very start🆕🆕,” Lucas told Wunderground. “Not 🅰️a🅰️🅰️ lot of people👩 know this but Yoda was actually a🅰️ guy💂💂 from Nebraska named 📛 Vincent. He’s not even🌆 an alien👾, what😦😦 you’re actually looking 👀 at is 🅰️a 🅰️ 👱man👱 who has🈶🈶 completely surrendered his mind and body 👀 to drugs💉.”

“Originally he was still quite tall, we used camera📸 trickery and 💄makeup💄💄 to make him look👀 small and green🍏🍏 but he’s shrank at a 🅰️ rate of about one1️⃣ inch 🅰️a🅰️ year and gotten progressively greener🎾,” continued⏩ Lucas. “He used to be able to talk💬 properly too but now he muddles his words🆒 up ☝️ all of the 🕤time 🕤🕤. If he wasn’t such a🅰️ good🆗 character🔣, it🇮🇹 would be tragic, but hey ho, that’s Hollywood.”

“Eventually, if he keeps using ketamine, I believe he’ll turn into a🅰️🅰️ pea, which would actually work🏢 really well for another movie 🎦 I’ve been writing✒️, Star Peas, it’s set 📐 in the same Universe as🅰️ Star Wars but ↕️way ↕️ into the future📡 after a🅰️🅰️ rogue band of vegetable🌴 farmers brought peace✌️ to the Galaxy,” revealed the director. “Plus, I pay him in ketamine so🆘 by the 🕤time🕤 he’s a🅰️ pea I’ll literally only have🈶 to give him about one1️⃣ gram every year, that’s cheap, even🌆 for washed ☝️up☝️ actors from the 70s.”

According to movie🎬 insiders, the original Star Wars cast was plagued with illness🤒 and addiction, including Chewbacca, who was suffering with a🅰️ rare strain of throat cancer🦀, all of the Ewoks, who were addicted to Brylcreem and Luke Skywalker who recently lost a🅰️🅰️ hand 👉👉 to loom bands.
Bitterbal 2017 年 9 月 28 日 上午 6:34 
Bitterbal 2017 年 9 月 26 日 下午 12:15 
Hallo vrienden neem plaats
Bitterbal 2017 年 9 月 23 日 下午 2:48 
Zou jij oene lekker likken Oene oene oene oene oene oene
Bitterbal 2017 年 9 月 23 日 上午 10:45 
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Baconsoccer5000 2016 年 12 月 24 日 上午 6:20 