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Indsendt: 30. sep. 2017 kl. 15:37
Opdateret: 1. okt. 2017 kl. 11:30

My opinion on this Beta and what i have experienced of it.

- Smg's got nerfed after 2 days, luckely cause they was broken asf.
- Kinda ok game to play even the laggspikes comes on & off sometimes. (Depends on the servers latency)
- Very balanced killstreaks surprisingly.
- Love the new menu for the game, class systems etc.

- Bad optimisation
- Constant laggspikes for no reasons (Almost everything in graphic is set to low btw!)
- Very small maps (All of these beta maps, cause its so small, everyone camps to spawntrap people)
- Very unbalanced spawns (Easy to get spawntrapped or spawn killed)

-But the most i really hate about this beta. The game is already flooded with cheaters in every gamemode. Why don't Call Of Duty never have a anti-cheat system in your games?! Yes, i know they use Vac as a anti-cheat system, but for me. That isn't good enought to keep cheaters away. All of the Cod games that i have played that got supported by Vac anti-cheat never spot the cheaters. They never get punished by they're actions in these games..

I'd loved to play more of the beta, but with all these issues & cheaters that keeps happening now. Makes my interest to play the game even lower, sadly.
(Sorry with my bad english)
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2 kommentarer
iŁŁยک!σ₦☮ 1. okt. 2017 kl. 5:29 
I do have good enough computer to play it, but i get constant laggspikes for no reason. So i don't man.
Sr.Mar 30. sep. 2017 kl. 17:55 
I do not understand what the staff complains about the optimization, I have a pentium g4560, 460 rx 4g, 8gb RAM and here the game is well fluid.