Tiff Remington   United Kingdom (Great Britain)
I shall rend the clothing from your battered and broken flesh and expose your delicate skin to the cleansing flame of the Sun; Your limited edition, mint-condition Gundam collection will surely be mine.
현재 오프라인
제품 평가 전시대
10.2시간 플레이
It's been a hell of a journey waiting for this game to come out over the past couple of years, but it's finally here and it was SO worth the wait. I have adored every moment spent with this game, and having binged it to completion I find myself longing for more of it all. The beautiful world, the stunning soundtrack, the gorgeous animations and of course the utterly wonderful characters.

Combat feels fast and fluid. Took me a little bit of adjusting to, but once I'd gotten used to my swords (And smooched them a little, for some tasty upgrades!) I was plowing through the dungeons. The weapon variety is really neat, though in my opinion a couple are a little overtuned compared to others. Not that I mind, because they're all fun to use regardless of the fact!

The writing is pretty solid, though I do wish there were more of it! Maybe it's just because I have now beaten the game and want to play it for another 50 hours, but the story felt a little short and the different relationships felt like they could've each had more content. Though I know there's a good bit of choice and diversity in how they can play out, so I suppose that makes for great replay value!

And the game supports just about every form of identity, as well. As a non-binary asexual, it was absolutely delightful to meet Enby characters and be given the chance to form meaningful platonic or romantic non-sexual relationships with every single weapon. Really affirming in ways that warmed my heart to its core. Even the way one weapon reacted to the fact that my character was Non-binary brought a little tear to my eye - it was really sweet. So on a personal note, thanks for brightening my day Kitfox. I needed it.

In summary, huge recommend!
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기록상 149시간
마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2024년 10월 21일
기록상 27시간
마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2024년 10월 21일
기록상 19.3시간
마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2024년 10월 16일