Seoul Survivor
Andrew Data   Moline, Illinois, United States
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921 timmar spelade
3... 2... 1... Aw shi-

If your parents have ruined your life by pumping your head full of overt positive reinforcement of all the great things you will accomplish in life, and have a shrine of your Academic Team, Little League and Girl Scout trophies and awards, and you live in the shadow of their crafted image of potential you know you will never fulfill, then KSP is for you.

You will spend hours engineering great and mighty rockets, planning to launch humble little Kerbals (in game human analogs, because kerploding simulated HUMANS isn't politically correct in gaming unless it's portrayed in war, murder mysteries, alien invasions, war, zombie horror, war, armed rebellion stories, humorous ciminal empire sandboxes, war, over the top armed racing games, war, Valve circlejerk physics engine display pieces, war, or the kitchen sink) into space...

Wait. What was I saying? Oh, right, you slap random aeronautic components with names longer than a West Coast Rapper's discography (what did you think I was going to say?) and plot a course for the very stars themselves! And then promptly cry tears of relief that your parent's were always wrong about you, and you actually CAN'T do anything right, all along - when you realize you forgot to put adequate battery banks on board, so now your little astronauts are floating through the hostile void forevermore, committed to the lonely depths of space, never to set foot on green Kerbin again. THIS. IS. YOUR. FAULT.

Just kidding.

They kerploded on the launch pad like your freshman fall semester career plans when you realized "Intro to College Biology" was the EASIEST class your degree required. But it doesn't matter, because trial and error in this game is so much fun, you'll completely forget about your dead end job and/or unemployment!

But getting to the meat and potatoes of the game, you have about 15-20 celestial bodies to explore, and all the components you need to get there, not to mention very easy to add mods to fill in any gaps in equipment. Each body, moons, planets, even the local star can be explored and your engineering options are endless.

One can make: crappy unmaned probes, crappy unmanned rovers, crappy space stations, crappy single stage to orbit launch vehicles, crappy shuttles, crappy rockets, crappy planetary bases, crappy space boats, for the odd moon with liquid surfaces. The possibilities are as countless as the stars, in that, the number could probably be calculated, but if you spent time doing it, no woman will ever touch your pe-

Moving on. KSP is hours of fun, offering both structured career mode, and stupid anarchist sandbox mode for rebellious teens that hate rules. The game is still in development as of this review, and thus new content is constantly being added, not that there is any lack of stuff to do - KSP is massively replayable and tremendously enjoyable.

Final score: 293/299 superfluous boosters.

Protip: This game currently constitutes the entirety of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea's space program, despite the state's lack of hardware capabe of running it, even with its undemanding specs.