Temps de jeu des 2 dernières semaines :

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Succès remportés : 5 sur 20 (25%)
Succès personnels

Find the Star Ball

Find the Star Ball.
Débloqué le 28 sept. 2023 à 18h00

Daichi's Change of Heart

Change Daichi's attitude toward foxes.
Débloqué le 28 sept. 2023 à 16h34

Tricksy Fox

End the game as an infamous trickster.
Débloqué le 28 sept. 2023 à 18h09

Going Steady

Have an intact romantic relationship at the end of the game.
Débloqué le 28 sept. 2023 à 18h07


Have a very good friendship intact at the end of the game.
Débloqué le 28 sept. 2023 à 18h07

Daichi's Demise

Avenge your family by killing Daichi.

Peace Treaty

Secure a peaceful resolution to the conflict between the Wild Masters and the human empire.

Death to Humans

Help the Wild Masters destroy Hoshimori.

Imperial Warrior

Help the human empire destroy the Wild Masters.


Destroy the entire human empire.


Join the Wild Masters.

Servant of the Empire

Secure a job working for the human empire.

Devil Fox

End the game as a fearsome demon.

Sacred Fox

End the game as a divine messenger of the Goddess of Hoshimori.

Heroic Fox

End the game as a beloved folk hero.

Mystery Fox

End the game with an enigmatic role.

4 succès cachés restants

Les détails de chaque succès seront révélés une fois débloqués