› RandomExpletive
California, United States
Currently In-Game
Apex Legends
Video Showcase
A Lesson in Teamwork [SAXXY version]
434 14 14
Review Showcase
Another Platinum game, where even on a first play-through as you bumble your way though combat encounters you'll hit a stride and come out of a fight with a platinum combo ranking and a smile on your face. You sure didn't ace that time ranking, and maybe blew a healing item or two, but by golly that air combo you accidentally initiated looked incredible, Wonderful, even.

I guess I could review this game like a ranked fight:


Time: 15-20 hours, not too long, not too short (and if you're a 101%er, triple that number). Some might not enjoy the pace it doles out its story content, maybe for some it lags a bit in the 2nd quarter. But man do we ever just ramp up from there. The story just moves at a brisk, Wonderful pace as we approach the finish line, and boy does it pay off.

Combo: 9999, whether you're talking the mechanics, story, music, characters, style, presentation, there's no part of this game that isn't firing on all cylinders. There is no better feeling than seeing that platinum combo pop up. For some it'll take some time, but eventually you'll hit your first big score and man, it just gets better from there. The story just goes and goes and continues paying dividends, and just when you think you're at the end, ohhh no bud, strap in, you're in for a Wonderful ride to the finish line. One I very much doubt you'll want to turn off once you've entered the last stretch of the game. Certainly in no small part due to the music pushing you along, with our Wonderfully orchestrated Tables Turn popping up to help you end out a long chapter. The characters (and VO performances, my goodness), from the Heroes to the Villains who steal the show, the style of it all (so incredibly shiny and spandex-y), and the presentation wrapping it all up with the Wonderful pre-mission briefings, small respites of banter between Wonderful Ones after fights, its a miracle it all holds together so well. Of course there are some shortcomings in some areas, especially the remaster quality, but we save those for...

Damage: 999, because lets be real, while its great to have (almost) rock solid 60fps Wonderful 101 for some stylish Wonderful action, there's a bunch of little nicks and dents on this Wonderful package. The buggy camera above 1080p, the 59hz oddity (at least fixable with a mod), and very not remastered visuals are a few of the big issues that at this point are mistakes we shouldn't be seeing anymore. Not to mention the endless debate on dodge/counter moves being unlockables (even if they are basically free).

If you can take the (admittedly in most cases small) issues, The Wonderful 101 is another Platinum-ass Platinum Game. That is to say, as most of you'll know by now, these aren't for everyone. But there's a reason we all went nuts when this was announced. Worst case, there's an easy mode, and a fully automatic mod to boot. Which is great, because the story alone is worth the price of admission (but do stay for the combat).

Wonderful 101 Rank: Platinum

It ain't Pure Platinum, but they can certainly take another swing at it after a few fixes.

That or a sequel...

Favorite Group
Brotherhood of Slaughter
In Chat
Kast Master 6 Jun, 2019 @ 5:08pm 
› RandomExpletive
5:06 PM - god being white is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ weird
Kast Master 18 Feb, 2019 @ 7:00pm 
[6:55 PM]
Kast Master:
man i just got so much money from chinese new year
but like i know my parents had to give out money for chinese new year
so the net amount of money of our household stayed the same assuming everyone gave each other generously
but it basically shifted from my parents, to me and my sister

[6:56 PM]
› RandomExpletive:
trickle down economics at works
Kast Master 12 Jul, 2018 @ 10:24pm 
10:22 PM - › RandomExpletive: dude its RAINING
10:22 PM - › RandomExpletive: cali wtf
10:22 PM - › RandomExpletive: calm down
10:22 PM - Kast Master: nani!!?!?
10:23 PM - › RandomExpletive: and a spider just crawled in my room im like BRUH i cant even cool my room off
10:23 PM - › RandomExpletive: #tilted
› 3-Day-Respawn 1 May, 2018 @ 6:35pm 
6:34 PM - › 3-Day-Respawn †: i mean, i don't care what grade i get in this class
6:34 PM - › 3-Day-Respawn †: i just need to pass sooo badly
6:34 PM - › 3-Day-Respawn †: my gpu is fine
6:34 PM - › 3-Day-Respawn †: gpa
6:34 PM - › 3-Day-Respawn †: ohh good
6:34 PM - › RandomExpletive: lol
6:34 PM - › RandomExpletive: gpu so fine
6:34 PM - › 3-Day-Respawn †: i've been searching for 1080s soo much
› 3-Day-Respawn 2 Apr, 2018 @ 10:18pm 
10:16 PM - › RandomExpletive: i need to invite u over here
10:16 PM - › RandomExpletive: to see my stuff
10:16 PM - › RandomExpletive: its
10:16 PM - › 3-Day-Respawn †: take a picture
10:16 PM - › RandomExpletive: P R I S T I N E
10:16 PM - › 3-Day-Respawn †: send it to me
10:16 PM - › RandomExpletive: PICTURES OF MONITORS
10:16 PM - › RandomExpletive: IN 2018
10:16 PM - › RandomExpletive: what u want as the image?
10:17 PM - › RandomExpletive: image on the screen lol
10:17 PM - › 3-Day-Respawn †: i mean
10:17 PM - › 3-Day-Respawn †: take a picture of your setup
10:17 PM - › 3-Day-Respawn †: ohh
10:17 PM - › 3-Day-Respawn †: shroud of coruse
10:17 PM - › RandomExpletive: yeeeee
10:17 PM - › 3-Day-Respawn †: shroud and dbz
10:17 PM - › RandomExpletive: YEEEEEEEEEE
10:17 PM - › 3-Day-Respawn †: and jojo on the 3rd
10:17 PM - › RandomExpletive: NOOOOOOOOOO too much anime
10:17 PM - › 3-Day-Respawn †: ohh right, then reddit
› 3-Day-Respawn 29 Jun, 2017 @ 9:47pm 
9:46 PM - › RandomExpletive: o u want titanfall 2 key now?
9:46 PM - › 3-Day-Respawn †: give it to someone who you love so very much
9:47 PM - › RandomExpletive: ok u then
9:47 PM - › 3-Day-Respawn †: <3
9:47 PM - › RandomExpletive: i text u pick of the code
9:47 PM - › 3-Day-Respawn †: okay!