Archnecromancer Veriturpis
:AetherRay:          Fratres et Argentum          :AetherRay:

       Be the reason someone smiles today.
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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition
Things my best buddy says.
"Mate, the cat's lovin' it!"
"I'm guna rub ya' belly! Yahahahaaa!"
"Because, I'm smart and you're not."
"I knew that would be a question."
"Dude, you need to add context to these."
"Cuz volvo suck... suck massive ♥♥♥♥."
"Father christmas ran out of coal this year, so he's gunna use lead instead."
"Oh look a hiker! Eat their flesh for warmth!"
"I swear reaper... Just f***ing Reaper."
"kill the enemas!! The enemas man!!"
"I get top or feed."
"ugh... I'm so full."
"I'm so full."
"But... Where were you?"
"Are we reshuffling our key markets into vertical slices to allow for more granular visibility of our individual industries and the direct impact of those industries on our Key Performance Metrics (KPMs) to better inform the stake holders our place in the business community?"
"I would say I love you like a brother but that would mean incest."
"But... Where were you?"
"The Elder Scrolls five, developed by scorpions."
"♥♥♥♥ you."
"It's a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ meeeeme!"
"Come with me my friends! Up the cucumber ramp to salvation!"
"It sucks being of the enlightened few."
"While you studied effective management techniques I studied the blade."
"Games these ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ days"
"Seriously, China ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ terrifies me."
"We are... we're KNOTTING this thing."
"Stacking porn like Minecraft"
"If I could describe anything a beautiful it's the fact that we are all here."
"I wanna kill myself, Okay? I want to do it peacefully."
" Hi mate, drunk as a skunk right now but let it be known that I love you as a brother. replies not guaranteed "
"Weaponise the butt plugs to distribute malware."
"♥♥♥♥ myself with every move"
"Well, you could be the first ugly girl that plays the accordian"
"Why don't you go die and we'll find out?"
"Just... Do ya' have to be so gay all the time?"
"and a couple of seconds later I was on the verge of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ myself"
"Soo... I just whipped the wholesome neighbourhood femboy to death."
"Did you just call the nuke a 'rice cooker'?"
"Raldor... Why is there classical music playing?"
"I can fist the big one."
"Male until otherwise!"
"I pranced with reckless joy"
"Everyone should be able to enjoy femboys."
"You are the superior necromancer I yield."
"Blow my mushroom trumpet"
"That's the free market, Baby."
"♥♥♥♥ you, 95%"
"As long as it doesn't get any worse... But it will."
"We have Half Life 2: Episode Two Minus One."
"just... Why?... I mean I'm happy to help you but just... Why?"
"I'm not drunk enough to have this conversation."
"Well the bug has tits."
"I blew up his balls on the way in."
"God ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ damn it. I just saw Skibidi Biden again."
"Suck my... Black Core."
"I'm getting it up hang on... I'm getting up my Monster Hunter."
"It's a shame we're all wearing clothes."
"Well, there is your historic harem."
"We're spit roasting this thing!"
"Oh my God. I see the grippers!"
"They just capitalism'd me."
"It's my 2 favourite things; ♥♥♥ and carcinogens."
"Kept my wife's boyfriend busy."
Things my r*tard says.
"That's alright. You can ♥♥♥♥ my mom if you want."
"That's your phenotype."
"Sargon Of Akkad is a great example of a strong man we should all be more like him."
"Can I show you this picture of my dad? Please."
"I shouldn't be considered a hypocrite if I admit it. There should be a diffent word for it."
"I would suck their ♥♥♥♥ if it's what they wanted."
"She's depressingly thin."
"You talk to women so often because you're a Giga Chad."
"Thats why, if you've ever wondered, why the elves are sad."
"There is no cosmic justice. ♥♥♥♥ them up."
"IT'S NOT A ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ MUSHROOM!!"
*Siiigh* "I suppose I could play Deep Rock with you."
"Back to my porn, then."
"i am, in fact, still alive."
*Acid Bile Attack*
"♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ my ass"
"Ohhhhh biscuits."
"You're MVP again. As always."
*Randomly moans in euphoria*
"That's why the elves are sad. The magic leaving."
"GTA is an American franchise because it's made in America. That makes it American."
"Hello black man"
"I'm tarded'."
"She left? ♥♥♥♥! And I just gave her some money."
"I got another visit from my ass rape demon last night."
"Raldor, buy rice and hide it under your bed. Please."
"They want us to call them Indians."
"Why would they want to give us a better service when we DON'T pay?"
"I love you too, Raldor. Mwuah."
"I hate you, Raldor."
"You see, That's why the elves are sad."
"HueHueHue. Molag Bastard."
"♥♥♥♥ you. You ♥♥♥♥ on my country ALL the time."
"Is that a reference?"
"I can bare to endure some more pig slaps I guess."
"No, you're Wrong Raldor. I hate women."
"I hate their culture. I am indifferent to the people."
"My position is pets are Slaves."
"I mean, I'd rather not die so I'd just let her splat."
"I assumed it was one of Raldor's girls... Like who's this ****** girl?"
"Children in Africa could eat those bricks".
"I do love you Raldor but I have Bills to pay."
"What's the point of playing if its not with friends or for pornography?"
"Our brown people are better."
"Okay. First, This only happened 3 times."
derkoffer1 16 Dec, 2024 @ 9:03am 
Happy Birthday, my womanizer!
Kayla_Hayes 24 Nov, 2023 @ 6:47am 
Sometimes, one may only see the dark at the end of the funnel, but others only see where the pancake could be in the endless world, hither not where the pancake really do be. Words that only wisen with complicated structure. Beware and candle away your flame.
Raldor 14 Mar, 2023 @ 1:59pm 
Это мой английский друг:steamthumbsup:
derkoffer1 27 Aug, 2019 @ 11:00am 
♥♥♥ rapist
LeD 30 Nov, 2017 @ 10:53am 
I've drank some British beer.

Well, actually a prostitute pissed in my mouth, but it was close enough.
V 23 Oct, 2017 @ 2:39pm 
Un-Koreaboo trash, but I still love him.