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Recent reviews by [NAC] Raladras

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10.3 hrs on record (7.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Postal 4 is one of those games that is just WACKY, and I mean that in EVERY sense of the word. Definitely not a game for kids due to the humor and satire. That's on par with RWS's style, though. Here's some highlights:
- If you've played Postal 2 and loved it, you'll love even this early build. I mean it. If you hated Postal 3, just be like RWS: Deny its existence. This is the actual sequel.
- There's rocks that defy physics.
- You have a lawn mower blade that acts like a boomerang and that Duke Nukem voice actor Jon St. John catches with ease and finesse. He does a great job voicing the Postal Dude imo.
- The NPCs some of the funniest nonsensical conversations I've seen in ANY video game, even Postal 2.
- The Postal Dude has lines that vary from corny to hilarious.
- Cats don't die. Seems they really do have nine lives now.
- No save feature yet, BUT there is a checkpoint system to balance that out.
- After 7 hours, it hasn't crashed on me, yet. That includes leaving the game running while I went to the store.

I'd say more, but then I'd be spoiling some of the joy. Buy this and enjoy. Support the devs who have slaved over this for who knows how long.
Posted 19 October, 2019.
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232.0 hrs on record (53.7 hrs at review time)
Fantastic game, despite it's bugs. The devs are pretty quick to address those, especially the big ones.
Posted 7 June, 2015.
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39.7 hrs on record (37.6 hrs at review time)
Great game overall,
Posted 31 January, 2014.
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