Freakazoid 16. März um 17:35 
Beyond boring
Kyliee 25. Feb. um 11:56 
bro is hiding in basement while his teammates are hooked and while the other is being tunneled
Smugwib Youtube Live 5. Feb. um 16:15 
-rep +rep Wib was here.
Torix 12. Nov. 2023 um 16:00 
+rep cool profile
vice 15. Sep. 2023 um 0:39 
who's that manchild?
RainbÒwÓcat 9. Sep. 2023 um 3:08 
living rent free in there huh? lol
†🖤√Î√ÎÈηη3🖤† 9. Sep. 2023 um 3:05 
LMAO i am a manchild? thanks for assuming my gender dummy. And I didn't sub LOL you wish and you are pathetic to have to tunnel in a stupid ass game, grow the ♥♥♥♥ up and shut the ♥♥♥♥ up.
RainbÒwÓcat 9. Sep. 2023 um 3:02 
Also, thanks for keeping my page open and subbing to the thread. It's pretty dead, but I get the occasional ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ like you every once in a while so enjoy!
RainbÒwÓcat 9. Sep. 2023 um 3:00 
lol, sad little manchild can't handle comments but thinks he has the right comment on other's? stop being ass at the game and maybe you won't be found a mile away from hook again. GTFO outta here with your pathetic self and maybe get therapy for you fragile ego. <3
†🖤√Î√ÎÈηη3🖤† 9. Sep. 2023 um 2:45 
O please that is BS and you know it, don't try to justify it and following blood not scratch cause feng left scratches too. i don't have time to argue with terrible killer and my profile has been private since before you were born
RainbÒwÓcat 9. Sep. 2023 um 2:42 
Huh? sounds like your the salty one lol. I followed scratch marks to you, not my fault I found you well after the unhook. Then you just stood there till I downed you, you just instantly gave up. Next time, RUN when you hear my terror radius instead of trying to stare me down.

Private profile but comments on others cause you're just a sad child that can't take the comments about how ass they are without feeling like the small pathetic person they are. Get help bozo, and maybe stop playing worse than the bots. XoXo <3
†🖤√Î√ÎÈηη3🖤† 9. Sep. 2023 um 2:33 
-rep tunneled me for no reason, extremely salty and bad person
vice 8. Aug. 2023 um 11:18 
+rep teammate. solid looper and team player.
Nex_Incendiary 17. Juni 2023 um 15:13 
+rep Had a great round of DBD with this individual, great vibes and better game play! :tigerinablanket:
RainbÒwÓcat 16. Mai 2023 um 22:01 
Nah man, you just stopped doing gens after 2 and just kept trading and sitting around with your thumbs up you asses try flashy save. Private profile and coming in here spreading lies. LOL how sad man, can't take being called out on your file?
Xeno 16. Mai 2023 um 21:56 
bro camp after 1 gen is done lmao
canyouspotmebro 20. März 2023 um 20:52 
+rep Positively cool. Like your playstyle. Great Killer. <3 :theskull:
RainbÒwÓcat 18. Feb. 2023 um 17:43 
PFFT, of course he deleted it... man, people need to just own up to their comments
RainbÒwÓcat 18. Feb. 2023 um 17:37 
"Oh, let me hide in this bush even though the killer is legit walking right up to me." Like, come on dude...
RainbÒwÓcat 18. Feb. 2023 um 17:35 
lol, dude legit dcs in the first chase. GTFO my comments
RainbÒwÓcat 5. Jan. 2023 um 10:49 
Cause they deleted their comment but to give context for mine...
(Covert Duck said: -rep. hard camping and tunneling ♥♥♥♥.)
RainbÒwÓcat 5. Jan. 2023 um 1:15 
Dude brings a BNP Commodious toolbox with Prove Thyself to speed run gens but complains when I chase them after not finding their unhooker/their unhooker avoided bringing attention to themselves.

Sucks, but if I don't see someone else to chase, you're getting downed and hooked again. It is what it is my guy and I would expect any Killer to do the same when I play Survivor, cause what else are they supposed to do? Run off and ignore the easy down? Most Killers don't, so expect it and maybe play more "covert" next time lol.
RainbÒwÓcat 2. Jan. 2023 um 12:24 
Man really can't take the truth even with video evidence... What a sad existence
Slaymore 2. Jan. 2023 um 12:07 
Keeping making excuses kid - you play like a coward and video shows it.
RainbÒwÓcat 1. Jan. 2023 um 20:32 
"Looping without being healed is hardly fair when being tunneled..."


"Oh and you didn't see anyone near my hook..."

RainbÒwÓcat 1. Jan. 2023 um 20:25 
PFFFFTT Thanks for the laugh again XOXOXO
Slaymore 1. Jan. 2023 um 19:56 
Keep playing like a coward - takes zero skill to play like you do. Facts are facts. Looping without being healed is hardly fair when being tunneled but hey, keep them excuses coming.
RainbÒwÓcat 1. Jan. 2023 um 19:38 
Man needs to touch some grass! You had ♥♥♥♥ teammates, get over it and maybe play with a SWF. But based on your attitude, doubt anyone would want to deal with you. (plus your looping skills need some work TBH) Thanks for the laugh.
Slaymore 1. Jan. 2023 um 18:56 
You are the one being called out - there is no need for my profile when you played like a coward. Oh and you didn't see anyone near my hook - I can see them just fine coming from across the map but you waited at my hook anyway - coward! Keep making excuses kid.
RainbÒwÓcat 1. Jan. 2023 um 18:29 
Cringe AF to comment when you have your whole profile private. And calling me a coward as well! Oh honey... BTW, if I see two survivors next to a hook, that isn't camping. Maybe play better next time lol.

~love, the Legion that clapped that ass
Slaymore 1. Jan. 2023 um 18:20 
-rep Has to camp like a coward
RainbÒwÓcat 1. Jan. 2023 um 15:18 
aw, thanks! Glad you can't forget about me either! Love you too baby! <3 XOXOXO
bruh 1. Jan. 2023 um 15:09 
rent free living
RainbÒwÓcat 1. Jan. 2023 um 14:14 
lol, dc's in less than three minutes into a match then deletes the warning I left on their profile. Get good my guy and stopped ruining other peoples games cause you got out played in a loop.
bruh 1. Jan. 2023 um 14:03 
who are you and why are you writing on my wall, outta my life nobody.
Orisa! 27. Dez. 2022 um 23:12 
+rep chill nemmy :auyay:
Kid Named Finger 24. Dez. 2022 um 20:10 
Local Dead Dawg Wesker cannot count hook stages. Very sorry
bug in my ass crack 27. Nov. 2022 um 1:53 
hooked me

love, fungus min >3
RainbÒwÓcat 13. Nov. 2022 um 14:46 
Get rekt nerd
-Love, Trapper that clapped that ass <3
Comrade 23. Okt. 2022 um 18:07 
i don't even know what you're talking about
SlimPug 12. Okt. 2022 um 3:13 
id smack you in halo
SlimPug 10. Okt. 2022 um 1:51 
tell your mom i said wassup
Shameless 7. Okt. 2022 um 16:39 
+rep heck what I said about you- you saved me:)
Shameless 14. Sep. 2022 um 20:51 
lemme just figure this out I cant remember if this was that game where a nemesis actually full on targeted me at some point at 3 gens but beam saves is more fun than gens-
RainbÒwÓcat 14. Sep. 2022 um 20:45 
More like attempts than "saves". Every down had another person in the bushes trying to flashlight save. Would have been better to be on gens instead of being altruistic. Legit, on Coldwind farm as Neme, there should have been more gens done.

The only "tunneling" that happened that game was y'alls tunnel vision for a flashy save. XoXo <3
Shameless 14. Sep. 2022 um 20:23 
how does saves have anything to do with tunneling for no reason at 3 gens 😭
RainbÒwÓcat 14. Sep. 2022 um 19:03 
LOL, maybe more time on gens and less time trying to flashlight save
Shameless 14. Sep. 2022 um 18:32 
-rep tunneled at 3 gens for no reason
Protagonist 2. Apr. 2022 um 22:37 
Ily bbg
RainbÒwÓcat 2. Apr. 2022 um 15:56