Jayn   United States
:machine_lifeform: :Lunar_Tear:

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Arvostelujen esittely
pelattu 107 tuntia
wowie *sob* i'd be more depressed if there wasn't such a cool cowboy *sniffle* oh boy do I love my cool cowboy *sob* I love riding on my lil horsie *cough sniff* and shootin' down badies *sniffle* I love western games 😭
glittertoes 7.1. klo 16.11 
my favorite autsim!!!
SmolCloudBean 14.11.2021 klo 0.14 
yuuuh you tell them
Rain 14.11.2021 klo 0.12 
got blocked bc im better lol
archerdude8 3.8.2021 klo 22.09 
biggest weewee of all the weewees
Jaykiann 20.6.2021 klo 22.36 

archerdude8 5.12.2020 klo 15.31 
NOOO dont kill yourself you're too segsy ahahaha