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Bub von der Straße 님이 최근에 작성한 평가

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기록상 2,715.1시간 (평가 당시 389.6시간)
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For me is RUST the best game 2014-2015 already and here is why.
First of all i got 385 hours in this game and dont really feel like i wasted time even when i did.
Second both the old and the new RUST are both already great games and the new one get even better almost every week!
To all the bad revies i can only say look at the people that give bad reviews here and their play time there are people with 300+ hours playtime for a price under 30$ who whine because they dont like the game anymore after again 300+ hours.

If Garry keeps his motivation and fun that he has right now in developing this Pearl and he completes his mindmap than RUST will be the Survival/Sandbox Genre God!

All of this is just my Opinion and i never say its the overall opinion but i hope the people that read this (maybe even in a voice that sounds like my bad english writing skills) will think about what i wrote and make their own opinions and dont just copy the most famous opinions.
2015년 1월 30일에 게시되었습니다.
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