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发布于:2022 年 8 月 13 日 上午 2:33
更新于:2022 年 8 月 13 日 上午 2:47

i named my cult "angels" since i think we are the good guys but same time i just murdered tommie cause he ate the poop bowl and i will not tolerate poop eaters on the human murder farm. gorden is also staring at the scientist a little too much might have to sacrifice him since no one can love anyone but me. Riley reid is mining like a hoe on soil but sametime alexis gets wood like a champ. (seems to liking going for big trees only and not smaller ones idk how to change that tbh) carlos keeps annoying me to do stuff for him like make a bed, no i am too lazy the ground is your friend. bob keeps pooping everywhere but i do feed him only Barrie meals so it makes sense but barry the bee is looking at me concered since we don't have berrie bushs and 3 other berrys went missing out of now where.

this feels like that one camp tv show and they want to kill me but i am a lamb with out the sauce so they fear my blandness of taste and texture.

i also have a guy named jesus idk if i can rez him yet but that would be funny tbh

ninja likes farming since it makes sense since he always farmed pepelaughs and now he can farm my food while i only give him grass meals(rip faith).

i also like playing on easy cause i am lazy and like roleplaying a critic that plays the game for 1 hours makes a review and then refunds the game to maximize profits UwU.
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