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17.6 изиграни часа (9.4 часа по време на рецензията)
Super Bomberman R Online is the F2P Battle Royale mode of 64 players that are across the globe. It has all what you need of Bomberman but better and basically BR'ed.

The Controls are pretty forward except the tutorial is somewhat lackin' on what the powerups really explain or Skills your Premium characters have.

The Best I can say for this, is that, the queue is a hit/miss. You may get a lot of bots, but it's better then waiting for hours for no players. But, there are some Bomberman players that are dedicated out there to play this pretty competitive. Only one of you need's Prem to set up a lobby and you HAVE to be Friends with the Host to set up private rooms for fun.

If you're getting this, here's a small guide for Bomberman R Online.

Bombs Tiles Add More Bombs - Straight Forward.
Fire Tiles Add Range of HOW far YOUR bombs reach. - Straight Forward.
RollerSkates Add Speed to your Bomber. - Straight Forward.
Heart Tile - Grants 1 HP back if you lost a HP - you get 2 HP max.

Now the wonky ones for new players.
Spike Bomb / Piercing Bomb - It basically goes through soft tiles or bricks tiles with ease and can hit you and other players. Advised to use this carefully, if you're a pro, you know how to handle these well and can win a filled room without worry.

White Glove - This allows you to PICK up YOUR own bomb to toss at a spot. YOu need to hold the PLANT button you assigned, AKA Default Space to hold it in your hand and toss is 5 Ahead of you. You cannot, I say this with a LOT of emotions. CANNOT pick up enemy bombs. If you can toss a bomb on someone and stun them consecutively you are basically a bomber keklord. *And possibly a comp player.*

Boxing Glove - Punch Tile - This allows you basically slap/punch a bomb 2 tiles ahead of you if you can't move it by Kick Tile *Did you know you can kick bombs?, I didn't...* And guess what the next tile is!

Kick Tile/ Bomb Kick - This allows you to WALK forward to any bomb and PUSH it the direction you are running, advisable, if you see a RUBBER BOMB attachment on it, it will BOUNCE indefintetly unless stopped or explodes.

Speaking of Rubber Bombs - there is a **Water Balloon** looking tile called a Rubber Bomb - It bounces erratically and randomly , so it keeps your enemies and yourself guessing where it may land. So it's good to use this for chaos and highly filled battle rooms.

And Lastly, - The Egg - This is Louie, Basically a +1up and a Means of Fast ZOOMIES on the map with the consqeuence that you CANNOT toss/kick bombs. Ability is X by default so, use it to NYOOM the Fluff out of there.

If you're a casual player and probably will be, cuz I can't fight worth a firecracker in here. It's really fun, even with the bots being helpful or very chaotic. - I actually got trapped by bots in here... That's how bad I am...

I give this a solid 8/10 honestly, just it's not very popular, I'd get friends to play this and see if we queue in a public match. Just to meme on each other. Other then that, have a go at it, its free, it's fun. And more then likely will find me in a match as Nyami or Pyramid head Bomber.
Публикувана 22 февруари 2022. Последно редактирана 22 февруари 2022.
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38.5 изиграни часа (35.8 часа по време на рецензията)
You broke? I can tell, you're here for a F2P section.
Ya want some MW2 Lobby Aesthetics? This game will give you the feeling 24/7.
Did you want to have a Middle School relationship simulator of where you make friendships and break up alliances faster then you possibly speak a meme reference? This has it all.

This game is the Mario Kart Frustration of Friendship breaking while having the whole lobby call you a special gamer word just for mentioning some Ice Cream.

You will play this with intentions to troll and have fun, if you can't have fun, ... there is always intent to kill anyone who even exists in your FOV.

Crab Game is Perfection of Muck You, Muck This, you're gonna get Mucked with me.
Публикувана 24 януари 2022.
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166.4 изиграни часа (72.2 часа по време на рецензията)
Dead By Daylight is a game that you would play on end as Killer and be contempt you even hit someone, get the occasional TTV wannabe's and sweaty survivors that unrelentlessly like to do Squats in mid match as you slap their friends' ass to the ground. As a survivor, you just yell, scream, talk ♥♥♥♥ to your other mates and hope to god that your perks/pallets/teammates don't go to Schitt.

I'd say if you do SwF, Use Discord, as obvious at it is, it helps you survive, but be aware, the killer may know you are in SwF. ANd will probably Tunnel you specifically if you are, which I do a lot for SwF. Cuz, Muck your buddy, you can call out when you are alive.

Killer, just get some thing you like to play as, screw the meta, enjoy what you play as in any killer you got. I play Daddy Executioner and have a wonderful time slapping people through walls with judgement.

I will say this, if you enjoy sweaty people, killing random strangers on a game, complaining that something didn't ♥♥♥♥♥ work at least 90% of the time, ♥♥♥♥ on your friends, ♥♥♥♥ on random strangers, teabagging like the Tea Parties and halo lobbies.

This game is for you, I love every second that I hated playing it and won't probably tell you otherwise, it's a wonderful game to love/hate for a long time.

Публикувана 7 ноември 2021.
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16.0 изиграни часа
TL:DR Version below if you're a lazy and wanna know if it's good or not.

C21 Steel Battle Chronicles is what you expect when it came out during it's time in 2006.

An Action MMORPG with robots that you can heavily customize with Parts, Weapons, Weapon Bits (Or AKA WonderBits) and a huge dedication of fans to showcase their Robots Builds and/or Skin Customizations.

This game came out in 2006 and later date in late 2006 for US as a Robot TPS Game that *YOU* the player are thrown in this chaos to help save the planet from total destruction, from the mighty Demon Force.

Your main objective is to partake on missions that help you level up and get parts, coins, and possibly even event rewards that help you progress further. There is a Open World / Stage system that leaves outside of the Main Outpost of the game. Arcantus. It's where you can do Open World Missions and do farming of supplies, test your systems out in the field, level up your robo's and much more.

Depending on how far you went and how powerful you made/created your robo. You can delve even further in the area and find rarer parts/get larger loots/ and/or see how much you can get before having to return. ... or due extreme version of your missions to get even larger rewards with a steady team of 1 ~ 10 people in your party.

The game doesn't have much for showing, but it's meant over for customization and community created content of skins/robots.

The battles are somewhat repetitive and are somewhat lackluster compared to today's community's standards. If you're into the grinding aspect of MMO's and like heavy customization/freedom of your team/characters. This game *WAS* for you during the active US time period of 2006 ~ 2014 (?) It's here on as a Testing Ground for US Steam clients with the Account sync with Steam.

The reason why it's not locally made in US (or Insert other language here) is that it is on a testing ground to see if Steam Accounts are able to sync up properly, play, test input/output of server connection(s) and much more. The Cyberstep Inc. team has a limited amount of people that can do so much as it is. And probably guessed that usin' a JPN client as a testing ground was a more suited idea. As most of the players in US are already used to playing JPN/ Have a translated Wiki/Excel Sheet of the game's current state.

The Game has seen better days as it went on, most of the robots now are heavily over powered if you rolled their Gachapon's for Robots/Parts/ and much more misc. To power up and gain more to your team.

If you're into some nostalgia of 2006 ~ 2010 Era Ps2/Early Ps3 days of stuff and want to see if you can make a bada** Gundam Knockoff , go ahead and *hopefully* enjoy the game as much as you want.

If you want to enjoy the game, Please *LOOK* into the Guides/Discussion in Steam of C21 Steel Battle Chronicles for further information of what can be done, it somewhat helped me and it may help you if you want to enjoy it.

Into my Personal hours I had into this before it was ported to steam, was well beyond over 8000+ Hours.

(At it's Time durin' of 2006)
Gameplay - 7.5/10
Music - 6.0/10
Art - 5.0/10
Community - 7.0/10

As of compared to Today's it's probably a heavily down to 5 ~ 2 in review score as it's untranslated and heavily suited towards JPN Players.


TL;DR Version

Game was good back then, this is a JPN Testing ground for Steam Clients to play/sync/create on their platform. It's untranslated and most likely won't be.

Testing Ground for Cosmic Break Universal - Coming (?) December 2020(?)

If you're into Robots and Third Person Shooter with heavy Customizaion, This is for you if you can read MoonRunes.

If you're going to play it, PLEASE *READ* the Guides/Discussions to get the Basics of HUD Navigation. Steam/C21 Fans have it translated for Newbies/Vets Alike.
Публикувана 5 декември 2020.
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151.2 изиграни часа (34.9 часа по време на рецензията)
You see...

You die Casually on Drizzle and Rainstorm...

I die Competitively in Monsoon and Eclipse trails ...

We are not the same.
Публикувана 14 октомври 2020. Последно редактирана 12 август 2022.
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9.2 изиграни часа (3.6 часа по време на рецензията)
Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
Dragon Knight is a Early Access ( As of writing this review in July 26th 2017) Action/Anime Rouge Dungeon Crawler.

Whew! That was a mouthful! Anyway!

This game is a Early build of a Heroine you play that has no memory or a purpose in this game. You have suddenly come to realize a darker force is going to take over this land and it is up to you, the Heroine/Captian to save the world from this upcoming evil.

This game is has a great amount of potential and a large amount of softcore fanservice, such as Ecchi/Lewd cutscenes of the female captains. Your Heroine's Armor being minorly destroyed with a nice pair of DD's she packs. No matter! Your raw power and expertise of hack n' slash in this game will surprise you with these nice ... Assests she carries with her.

With plots like this.... (Oh sorry, I drooled there, excuse me!) I mean, with the story being as a rough english translaion, the story gets a bit awkward but still have some hilarious results on here! By all means, don't be a heckler on our producer of this game! He deserves some credit for trying really hard! I still understood the story even if I am already too busy staring at our heroine's bountiful breasts on screen!

The Art in this game is wonderful for a person who does this on their own time! I mean, look at those smooth features on her, and her captain friends that seem tobe packing some nice *weapons* on themselves too!

The Music is Rocking on this, it feels nearly right on each area as the have a nice rocking or a foreboding tone as you crawl around these areas, HOWEVER I would mind you to have your sound effects lowered if you want to save your ears! There is some bug with the soul collecting/exp you get as it gets UBER LOUD if you're collecting a lot of them so be aware! (Save your ears and save me a like on here! <3)

You also have a wide variety of skills, attack patterns, and other misc items that help you along the way. Such as Onigiri, Ramen, some good ol' sushi. You can even carry Kunais, explosive traps, and some returnable Shruiken (I would warn you, they return but not to your inventory!) As minor the damage does, that helps you with getting some valuable items in return, such as healing or Triumphent Horns or Epic War Horns that boost your Def/Atk in a pinch!

The Varied Weapons also allow you to diverse your gameplay and attack styles, even your armors enchance your skills, your specific rolls/dodging/guards and how they affect monsters around you.

The Sword / Sheild allows you to time a perfect guard to do a sheild bash on foreseeing enemies, causing a stun or a potential sheild bash that may also knock back some minor enemies,

The Hammer can be charged initially for Incredible amounts of damage for the sake of timing and charging your attacks. It also can do some intense stun/knockback with great timing and positioning.

The Taichi is a long sword with a great radial Skill attack on ground, but dashing causes you to rush across your screen with immense horizontal attack power and speed!

The Great Sword/Axe is a Mighty powerful (and seems to be the most OP so far!) weapon that can cause intense DPS with slow speed, but the attacks are far greater from its cost of slow speed, as it does the highest so far and if combined with a right skill, you can obliterate anyone/anything on screen in your AOE!

The Bows are also a great choice as well! They are more prefered for a range/AoE effect when combined with the right skills, they also may peirce a minor enemy and hit others behind them!

And that's just your Weapons!

Armor are the same way on you, except... its destroyable! (Be aware, The game and myself are not responsible for your bloodloss in your head and your....*Ahem* other 'head' )

The Armor varies on what it can apply to your skills/body.

Your standard armor can withstand a lot on its own and do as much as any starter type armor.

But I haven't even got to the other goodies... (Besides her Delicious Delights on her body~) Are also a part of your arsenal, as your armor grants you skills that affect how you attack with ... well skills!

Some are imbued with a Radial Counter Attack, a rare armor type is a sheild that can with stand 4~ 10 Attacks without you receieving any damage, even though poison!

Be careful! If your armor is destoyed , your Def is near Null! That means, you take full damage on your heroine/captain! Keep her clothes on! IT SAVES YOU! ... (Unless you're that hardcore / perverted heroine who has to flaunt her goods around the world and look sexy the same time...~!)

It is still in beta and I love how it turning out, it has bugs that need to be dealt with but in due time this is a nice 4$ Game or if you're lucky on sale for 2 or 69Cents (No Joke I got at that price!)

This is a nice Early Access Game/Gift for your Anime Ecchi fans out there looking for a quick fanservice/Softcore game!

I would give you the Quickie Run Down of this game of its pros/cons!

| It Has some nice fanservice per area you save a girl, your heroine does have minor scenes of her losing her clothes but enough to keep you solid!

| It is being worked on some bugs and other things in due time! Also he is very willing to refund you if you don't seem to like it... (Don't worry Producer! I love your game! No refunding for me!)

| It does have some nice sounds and other misc, even the OST is rocking!

| Sadly it is buggy as I mentioned before, the attack hit boxes are a bit skewed but if you can figure how they work and hit, they turn out to be a huge advantage for yourself! Same as the dodging! If you're not a adaptable person like me, you're going to have trouble!

| The Sounds are AWFULLY LOUD when you pick up TOO many souls at once! I reccommend to lower your Sound Effects/Volume in game so you don't lose your ears! (You need them to hear your Heroine moan/fight in the game!)

| It's too SHORT! I WANTED MORE! PLEASE I want more of those delicious levels and ... of course, more of the titties on screen~ <3!

I would give these are my personal Scores!

Art - 8.5/10
Gameplay - 8/10
Music - 9.5/10
Plot/Story- 7.5/10
My Love for this game 10/10

Overall this game is a Solid 84 out of 100 from me!
Публикувана 26 юли 2017.
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50.5 изиграни часа (17.2 часа по време на рецензията)
Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
Well this is a bust of a free gift.

All in all, - EAC Disconnection - Tried every solution possible and even open up my firewall and gave it all its accesses it needed.

Still not able to play.

Greatest Not able to Play Sim Game!
Публикувана 31 декември 2016.
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40.2 изиграни часа (38.7 часа по време на рецензията)
Taking One Way Heroics to a new level, Plus adds almost double the content with new classes, enemies, features and more. Defeat the Demon Lord in a whole different dimension with this unmissable addition.

Literlly the DLC and the Whole entire game in a nutshell

If you are a fan of Rouge like Dungeons / Openworlds like Minecraft - Binding Of Issac series, and Cyrpt of the Necrodancer. Then this game is also a must in your inventory of wonderous games.

I personally would like to say I spent countless hours offline and online on this game. Trust me, it may look low now. But I spent 100+ of hours playing this... Why? I had worlds to explore. I maybe explored over 1000+ worlds and yet have to save not even 40% of them yet.

You get to choose your class and you are already set to go on a journey of a everlasting battle of darkness. Not only that, the darkness is actually a dragon! is also a very impending doom of your very world you travel and saving!

Fear not, you have time on your hand. No joke, time is of the essance and so is key placement, fighting, item usage and your weapon durability. May I also say you have a day/night cycle? Vision ? More over that you have Bonuses and debuffs? Even more so you can find allies! Even if you're willing to sacrifice some of your levels, A bard and hero is more sufficient in creating a co-op NPC! you can obtain some Cooperating Enemies or other misc!.

The content of the first game is already a great stand alone game. But the expansion far over gives it more power and bang for your buck. Even at a sale price, the game is fantastic. The updates are nearly weekly and they are on the clock * LOL PUNS* constantly checking for bugs and patching new campaigns.

The classes are easy to understand, the game mechanics simply easy to use, and if delt well , very useful to master. As time, placements, and generally the whole landscape. You too can already learn the many ways of becoming heroic.

There is also a _Afterdeath_ Screen where you can save, trade, expend, repair, and increase your items you collected in your traveling of the worlds. Hell you can even gain items you can't get in certain campaings. But if you complete it , you gain special other perks, even endings you can get if you finally get them!

Game has perks in it... PERKS! Even Debuffs that make your heroic level skyrocket, but not for the faint of heart. As the Debuffs increase levels, yes, but make your game FAR more Harder and more time pinching then the other easy pickings. Even if you think you got a nice going class you like and you unlock another and gain them the right set for them. You want to try to get more classes.

The DLC does that for you, it adds 4 more classes, ON TOP with more perks, settings, increase in more items, drops, enemies. Even more campaigns you can do in your Castle Renavations and also other main / side quests! More toys to find. Even going beyond the limit. The world never ends.

The Pros
  • Rouge Like - Infinite Possiblities
  • Low Price
  • Trading Cards
  • Retro Gameplay with innovative tactics.
  • Weekly Updates / New Campaigns
  • Great for Game Stuffers and Collectors!
  • Great storyline - Mini Campaigns with Plots and Events
  • Great Quick Game for short players - Walk in the Park if you have a break in your schedule!

The Cons

  • Time Waster - Somewhat good too.
  • Slightly challenging to a new RPG Player if not prepared - Be Fairly Warned - If going for harder campaigns and doing it for cheevies, I suggest trying to use Hero / Knight Classes to survive if not, Bet your heroic tush goodbye! [spoiler/]
  • No Multiplayer Base - But What you expect? I said *Co-op* but it's your Allies you make in game.
  • Options and HUD UI a bit ... Cluttered but I let it slide as it trying to keep all your info in the game as you travel without the need of constant back tracking.

All in All A very great game, I love it, I play it, I am Addictted to it.

In my score I give it 9.2 / 10 Review

9.5/10 - Gameplay
9.0/10 - Music / OST
9.0/10 - Graphics
8.5/10 - Storyline
10/10 - Creativity and Originality
Публикувана 24 март 2016. Последно редактирана 24 март 2016.
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0.2 изиграни часа
As much people say about how horrible the game is of constant bashing of how the game is and supposed to be. Don't listen to them.

It as much as a development game as to see how it would be like in space stranded with potentail hazards of falling *Space rocks * from the moon's sky.

There is potential of how this game could be worked out , its main mechanic is supposed to be a simulator. Not some high tech fancy Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Space battles you are all familier with.

It is ment to be a horror game and with specs to use a VR headset to *simulate * the feeling of being alone in space. Never knowing the dangers of being in space. Your oxygen tank takes damage to *being hit* with space debris falling at you in a constant rate. Also you may take *damage* to your oxygen otherwise as it takes time to get to place to place. So it makes you want to be wary of whats up above you and around you. And the worry of making it back with your reserve tanks becomign low and the meteores falling down at you makes it more unsettling of you making it back.

The time alone I have may show I didn't spend much but I played offline for countless hours. Trying to get to the unknown signals left stranded in the open moonscape.

The lack of choosing a option to see what to do in the world leaves me a bit unease to figure out that if hitting buttons is my first thought. No tutorial or such. Even to mapping keys. I was left with my screen showing that I had no *Primary* fire or alt fire button. And 3 other misc buttons that could be possible left in development.

The scene's are leaving my eyes a bit sore after about 30 mins into looking the moonworld. The constant wierd glossy on the below of my screen made my eyes become irritant and quickly had to take a break for 15 before diving in again. The *buttons not configured* overlap your HUD's radar of seeing your signals makes it quite harder to even look down as your radar is barely visable due to the *weird* glossy shiny moon texture. Yet it still felt to me that even looking ahead of you and trying to reach the signals and hoping you reach some goal. It lead me to keep going even with the moon looking like a shiny marble on a table.

The game however has a *Zoom* (Right Mouse Button) button and you can descend a lot slower (Holding Space bar) upon going into deep chasms or just wanting to dive into a huge crater.

The Pros

* Its a space horror simuation.
* Its Free
* Potentail hours wasted if you're into the sort of simulations

The Cons

* Lack of Options and controls.
* Still buggy as to 1.4d Patch - EXPECT BUGS - STILL NEW -
* Lack of Teaching players what to do.

Overall I give this a 6.5 out of 10.

It has great potential, but made in the wrong aspects. Great Simulation, somewhat lofty controls. *Hell its space, what you expect?* No tutorial.

If you're into the youtube Let's play gigs. This is ment for you~

Публикувана 1 февруари 2016.
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