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Speaking of FACEIT
- Hi Purp1e66,

You have been banned from FACEIT for cheating, till 2017-11-29T01:12:57Z. Our admin team will investigate your case further, but you will remain banned till the previous mentioned date_ unless notified otherwise___________________________________________________:heartris:
Best answer of faceit clowns support
ESEA [play.esea.net]
ESL [www.esl.eu]
CSPL [cspl.ru]
FAST-CUP [fastcup.net]


:PowerCell:AMD RYZEN 7 5700X3D - 4,1GHz
:PowerCell:NVIDIA® 3070 palit gaming pro
:PowerCell:Hyperx PREDATOR 16GB DDR4 3000MHz RAM

:LfeUp:Monitor: BENQ 144 ghz
:LfeUp:Keyboard: Logitech g pro
:LfeUp:Headphones: Ikko OH10 obsidian
:LfeUp:Mouse: Zowie ec2a

CS2 fix

Don't work CS2 Training Map?:csgox:

Before starting the game, I typed -insecure in the launch options and it worked, but there is a problem, you cannot enter the normal game while this code is written, you have to close the game, delete the code and enter it that way

r_fullscreen_gamma 2.5

engine_low_latency_sleep_after_client_tick true

CS2 prac
sv_cheats 1;
mp_limitteams 0;
mp_autoteambalance 0;
mp_maxmoney 60000;
mp_startmoney 60000;
mp_buytime 9999;
mp_buy_anywhere 1;
mp_freezetime 0;
mp_roundtime 60;
mp_roundtime_defuse 60;
mp_respawn_on_death_ct 1;
mp_respawn_on_death_t 1;
sv_infinite_ammo 1;
sv_showimpacts 1;
sv_showimpacts_time 10;
ammo_grenade_limit_total 5;
sv_grenade_trajectory_prac_pipreview 1;
mp_restartgame 1;

bind "0" "slot10"
bind "1" "slot1;cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0;cl_crosshairalpha 255;cl_crosshairgap -2;cl_crosshairscale 0;cl_crosshairsize 3.5;cl_crosshairstyle 4;cl_crosshairthickness 1"
bind "2" "slot2;cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0;cl_crosshairalpha 255;cl_crosshairgap -5;cl_crosshairscale 0;cl_crosshairsize 1;cl_crosshairstyle 5;cl_crosshairthickness 1.5"
bind "3" "slot3;cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0;cl_crosshairalpha 255;cl_crosshairgap 0;cl_crosshairscale 1000;cl_crosshairsize 3.00000;cl_crosshairstyle 5;cl_crosshairthickness 0.5;"
bind "4" "slot4;cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0;cl_crosshairalpha 255;cl_crosshairgap -4;cl_crosshairscale 1000;cl_crosshairsize 999.00000;cl_crosshairstyle 5;cl_crosshairthickness 0.5;"
bind "5" "slot5"
bind "6" "slot6"
bind "7" "slot7"
bind "8" "slot8"
bind "9" "slot9"
bind "a" "+moveleft"
bind "b" "buymenu"
bind "c" "+voicerecord"
bind "d" "+moveright"
bind "e" "+use"
bind "f" "toggle cl_righthand 1 0"
bind "g" "drop"
bind "h" "+spray_menu"
bind "i" "show_loadout_toggle"
bind "l" "sv_rethrow_last_grenade"
bind "m" "teammenu"
bind "q" "lastinv"
bind "r" "+reload;"
bind "s" "+back"
bind "t" "+lookatweapon"
bind "u" "messagemode2"
bind "w" "+forward"
bind "x" "slot12"
bind "y" "messagemode"
bind "z" "radio"
bind "`" "toggleconsole"
bind "," "buyammo1"
bind "." "buyammo2"
bind "SPACE" "+jump"
bind "TAB" "+showscores"
bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect"
bind "DEL" "mute"
bind "PAUSE" "pause"
bind "SHIFT" "+speed;r_cleardecals"
bind "ALT" "+jump;-attack;-attack2;-jump"
bind "CTRL" "+duck"
bind "F3" "autobuy"
bind "F4" "rebuy"
bind "F5" "jpeg"
bind "F6" "save quick"
bind "F7" "load quick"
bind "F10" "quit prompt"
bind "MOUSE1" "+attack"
bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2"
bind "MOUSE3" "noclip"
bind "MOUSE4" "use weapon_flashbang"
bind "MOUSE5" "player_ping"
bind "MWHEELUP" "+jump"
bind "MWHEELDOWN" "invnext"
@panorama_debug_overlay_opacity "0.8"
adsp_debug "0"
ai_report_task_timings_on_limit "0"
ai_think_limit_label "0"
aim_flickstick_circular_deadzone_max "0.94"
aim_flickstick_circular_deadzone_min "0.74"
aim_flickstick_crank_sensitivity "1.0"
aim_flickstick_crank_tightness "40.0"
aim_flickstick_enabled "0"
aim_flickstick_flick_snap_mode "2"
aim_flickstick_flick_tightness "0.6"
aim_flickstick_forward_deadzone "7.0"
aim_flickstick_release_dampen_speed "2.0f"
aim_gyro_acceleration "1"
aim_gyro_base_sensitivity "2.5"
aim_gyro_circular_deadzone "0.0"
aim_gyro_conversion_mode "0"
aim_gyro_enable_mode "0"
aim_gyro_high_sense_multiplier "2.0"
aim_gyro_high_sense_speed "360.0"
aim_gyro_invert_pitch "1"
aim_gyro_invert_yaw "0"
aim_gyro_low_sense_speed "7.5"
aim_gyro_pitchyaw_ratio "0.5"
aim_gyro_precision_speed "0.75"
aim_gyro_raw "0"
aim_gyro_ray_angle "-45"
aim_gyro_siapi_pixel_to_angle_ratio "2550.0"
aim_gyro_siapi_sensitivity "1.0"
aim_gyro_square_deadzone_pitch "0.0"
aim_gyro_square_deadzone_yaw "0.0"
aim_gyro_zoom_dampening_level1 "0.8"
aim_gyro_zoom_dampening_level2 "0.6"
aim_stick_circular_deadzone_max "0.94"
aim_stick_circular_deadzone_min "0.17"
aim_stick_extra_pitch "50.0"
aim_stick_extra_turning_delay "0.0"
aim_stick_extra_turning_ramp_up_time "0.5"
aim_stick_extra_yaw "60.0"
aim_stick_invert_pitch "0"
aim_stick_invert_yaw "0"
aim_stick_rate_pitch "125.0"
aim_stick_rate_yaw "165.0"
aim_stick_response_curve "1.6"
aim_stick_square_deadzone_pitch "0.0"
aim_stick_square_deadzone_yaw "0.0"
aim_stick_zoom_dampening_level1 "0.8"
aim_stick_zoom_dampening_level2 "0.6"
aim_touchpad_circular_deadzone_min "0.0"
aim_touchpad_invert_pitch ""
aim_touchpad_invert_yaw ""
aim_touchpad_sensitivity_pitch "20.0"
aim_touchpad_sensitivity_yaw "21.0"
aim_touchpad_square_deadzone_pitch "0.0"
aim_touchpad_square_deadzone_yaw "0.0"
aim_touchpad_zoom_dampening_level1 "0.8"
aim_touchpad_zoom_dampening_level2 "0.6"
budget_averages_window "30"
budget_background_alpha "128"
budget_bargraph_background_alpha "128"
budget_bargraph_range_ms "16.6666666667"
budget_history_numsamplesvisible "100"
budget_history_range_ms "66.666666667"
budget_panel_bottom_of_history_fraction ".25"
budget_panel_height "384"
budget_panel_width "512"
budget_panel_x "0"
budget_panel_y "50"
budget_peaks_window "30"
budget_show_averages "0"
budget_show_history "1"
budget_show_peaks "1"
bugreporter_uploadasync "0"
bugreporter_username ""
c_maxdistance "200"
c_maxpitch "90"
c_maxyaw "135"
c_mindistance "30"
c_minpitch "0"
c_minyaw "-135"
c_orthoheight "100"
c_orthowidth "100"
c_thirdpersonshoulder "false"
c_thirdpersonshoulderaimdist "120.0"
c_thirdpersonshoulderdist "40.0"
c_thirdpersonshoulderheight "5.0"
c_thirdpersonshoulderoffset "20.0"
cachedvalue_count_partybrowser "1655130884"
cachedvalue_count_teammates "1655222032"
cam_collision "1"
cam_idealdelta "4.0"
cam_idealdist "150"
cam_idealdistright "0"
cam_idealdistup "0"
cam_ideallag "4.0"
cam_idealpitch "0"
cam_idealyaw "0"
cam_snapto "0"
cc_lang ""
cc_linger_time "1.0"
cc_predisplay_time "0.25"
cc_subtitles "0"
chet_debug_idle "0"
cl_allowdownload "1"
cl_allowupload "1"
cl_autohelp "0"
cl_autowepswitch "0"
cl_bob_lower_amt "5.000000"
cl_bobamt_lat "0.1"
cl_bobamt_vert "0.1"
cl_bobcycle "0.980000"
cl_buywheel_donate_key "0"
cl_buywheel_nomousecentering "0"
cl_buywheel_nonumberpurchasing "0"
cl_chatfilter_version "1"
cl_chatfilters "63"
cl_clanid "41672037"
cl_cmdrate "128"
cl_color "1"
cl_compass_enabled "1"
cl_crosshair_drawoutline "0"
cl_crosshair_dynamic_maxdist_splitratio "0.0"
cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_innermod "1"
cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_outermod "0.300000"
cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitdist "5"
cl_crosshair_friendly_warning "1"
cl_crosshair_outlinethickness "1"
cl_crosshair_sniper_show_normal_inaccuracy "0"
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Review Showcase
9,627 Hours played
Counter strike, как феномен феникса.

В далеком в 2012 года, сразу же после выхода CS GO, я ворвался в игру при онлайне в 20 тысяч,

и тогда никто не верил в эту игру.

Но для меня было ясно, что время легендарной 1.6 уже подходит к концу,

Нужен свежий глоток.

Первый Source оказался интересным опытом, но в то же время не подошёл большинству игроков.

GO так же оказалась на первое время слишком сырым проектом, что отпугнуло многих.

Но за ближайшие 2 года 2012-2014 небольшими шагами набирала свою популярность,

в 2014 мы имели уже крупные турниры, и онлайн в 200-250 тысяч.

В будущем было много доработано, добавлено, исправлено.

В 2020 году во время пандемии игра пробивает новый рекорд в 1 миллион игроков онлайн, очень круто.

А вот уже в 2023, снова новый рекорд 1.5 миллиона вот уже это действительно потрясающий результат,

и связано это было с колосально проделанной работе команде разработчиков valve.

За что им конечно отдельный респект.

CS:GO это великолепный проект, который подарил нам многие часы удовольствия от игры, просмотров множество турниров,
необыкновенных талантливых игроков и 10 тысяч мемов.

И вот у нас на подходе CS2... и наша игра, как феникс будет жить вечно.🔥
Recent Activity
9,627 hrs on record
last played on 31 Jan
212 hrs on record
last played on 16 Dec, 2024
92 hrs on record
last played on 23 Nov, 2024
󠁳 ⁧Eχis†enƵ 11 hours ago 
:abz3: :_W_::_E_::_E_::_K_::_E_::_N_::_D_::t_down::t_up::pinkneonheart:
b0t 11 Jan @ 9:28am 
Москвич зажравшийся
^ 11 Jan @ 1:02am 
щенок со своей waлаvой фулл катку троллит
Ɑ͞ ̶͞ ̶͞ ﻝﮞ 9 Jan @ 6:17pm 
тоесть я тебе выиграл игру и ты еще такие коммы пишешь услышал
Fezilkree 27 Dec, 2024 @ 11:01am 
Strategic play!
󠁳 ⁧Eχis†enƵ 23 Dec, 2024 @ 5:48am 
▅ ╱▔▔▔▔▔▔▔╲         .★(░)★
▕▕╱╱╱╱╱╱╱╱╱╲╲       .✰/█✰
▕▕╱╱╱╱╱╱╱╱▂▂╲╲       .✰/██✰
╱▂▂▂▂▂▂╱╱▂◤◥▂╲╲      .✰/███✰
▔▏▂┗┓▂▂▕░░░░░░░▕▔     ..✰/████✰
░▌┍┯┑┍┯┑▌░▛░░░▜░▌  _██__✰{█████}✰
░▌┝┿┥┝┿┥▌░▌░░░░▍ ▌ .( • • ) ✰{██████}✰
░▌┕┷┙┕┷┙▌░▌░░░░▍ ▌ .─(░•░)─  _||_
░▌❥✿✿✿✿❥▍▩▩▩▩▩▩ ▌ ╬╬╬ (░ • ░)   \\__//
✦ℳ𝒆𝓻𝓻𝔂 𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓶𝓪𝓼 & A Happy New Year ✦