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投稿日: 2017年9月29日 6時15分

This is arguably one of the greatest online multiplayer games ever. For those of us born in the 80s who were there for the advent of FPS games and then also online gameplay, this and the other early Half-Life mods are some of the true cornerstones of some of the most eternally excellent gaming exoerience off all time. I remember playing this around 1999 or 2000, I had traded my friend from Junior High burnt copy of Rainbow Six Rogue Spear for an actual copy of Half Life, and this was before Serial Codes were really enforced as they are now, and this was before Steam too, there was the Sierra online network and WON IDs. Phenomenally grand memories of badass battles and classic funny moments that can take place during a game. This is one for the ages, and I played a ton of Counter-Strike back then too. Along with Action Half-Life (an amazing stylized-action movie style mod) and Firearms (a great approach to early realistic combat, with a vast array of weapons) and then there was The Opera, and Natural Selection. But they all came from the first, which was this, Team Fortress Classic (which yes, is techically a remake from a Quake mod, but IMO better in a handful of notable ways). So that's why I wanted to write a review for this awesomely eternally replayable online multiplayer team-based FPS game. I remember playing in Drippy's 2fort server and ViBig before I'd go to school in the mornings, it was so fun being able to play online through fast cable internet against other people probably doing the same thing. That's why this game is important, it's arguably one of the best multiplayer games of all time. Period.
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