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Recent reviews by Psuni

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136.7 hrs on record (61.2 hrs at review time)
Victory has been seized from the hands of the enemy.
Posted 4 May, 2024. Last edited 6 May, 2024.
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83.8 hrs on record (48.5 hrs at review time)
A decade since AC:V. It's been a long decade since Armored Core came back into being, and I'm thrilled to play this newest one to the series.

Definitely lives up to FromSoftware's reputation, now that they've been able to make this one with the experience and expertise from their time working with the Souls series of games.

I just hope we get some DLC or expansion, but I highly doubt it since it goes against the way Armored Core has been created back in 1997, which coincidentally is also my birth year. But besides that, if you are coming from the Souls games level of difficulty, then you'll enjoy this one.
Posted 2 September, 2023.
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72.7 hrs on record (40.6 hrs at review time)
Having started from AC4 and going through AC5 and ACZ, flying in AC7 feels like being a old nostalgic car and driving it around town for casual thrills.

And it was a good thrill, no doubt. Shame that multiplayer is somewhat lacking and would have been pretty fun if there was an additional 20 mission campaign for co-op. That would have been a real blast.
Posted 24 July, 2020.
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0.2 hrs on record
For a 10 minute video, it is very well crafted. The feeling of the inspector is very like what we play as when facing some moral decisions with some of the characters that come to the borderpoint and it plays out nicely.
Posted 25 February, 2018.
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1 person found this review helpful
101.6 hrs on record (2.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
>having a blast with my squad
>getting hammered in Palace as explosions goes off and medics running around reviving teammates
>dies with honor
>gets kicked

"Kicked from server. change your name 1/3"

Looks like someone doesn't like Niggy <:3
Posted 12 November, 2017.
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0.9 hrs on record
Early Access Review
A dollar for cartoon tits and censored pusspuss on Steam? Why, how heretical that must be!

It was worth the dollar.
Posted 3 September, 2017.
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3 people found this review helpful
11.2 hrs on record (10.1 hrs at review time)
Ain't gonna lie, this game is pretty dank.
Posted 23 April, 2017.
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61.9 hrs on record (12.3 hrs at review time)
As a avid fan of space games, this one has a spot in one of my list of good games. Star Ruler 2 has what I need: Ship-blueprinting, Diplomatic trickery, large amount of systems and galaxies for games that can last a day to games that could last a month, and large fleets to add to the space junkyard.
Posted 8 May, 2016.
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13 people found this review helpful
7.8 hrs on record (6.5 hrs at review time)
While i like the game so far and had completed the story(?) to it, there's barely anything else to do but drift around and killing everything that was thrown at me. Sure, it's a pretty good game in it's name but the fact that there so much left to be desire yet not accomplished leaves a bitter taste after wandering aimlessly in space.

First off, it was a wonderful game for an indie. It was simple, charming and again simple to play. Characters you've started with seem to always be something different so it adds a nice mixture of crewmen to have on a ship. The story led you to some boss fights that were entertaining, especially the finale.

But what is it to call a universe if there's only one planet with each star? I mean, a universe if possibly "infinite" in all direction so space itself would have been much more fun for the exploration-esque if it goes beyond the unknown.

+ Basic yet charming pixel characters and art
+ Simplistic, interesting 2D combat
+ Nice story to get going on
+ Colorful planets to see and some even have some secrets to them.
+ Exploration was promising and fun for a while

- Big ol' nothing of space with nothing to much to got anywhere further from the area you're in.
- Some amounts of planets that have literally no function other than to look pretty.
- Endgame leaves almost nothing left to do than killing things and salvaging.
- Again, planets. Barely enough to go around and with one planets for one star system.
- Here's a big one: Not enough variety of ships to fly in and the only few "big" ones to fly were the cruisers and there were especially some ships that you CANNOT use, such as the boss ships that you fight during the campaigns.
Posted 9 August, 2015.
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Showing 1-9 of 9 entries