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Опубликовано: 30 ноя. 2022 г. в 19:22
Обновлено: 1 дек. 2022 г. в 20:23

Update: FAQ for in-game currency was stealthily updated and wording was changed. No longer planned to be able to earn in game cash shop currency through game play like previous game by the Devs. Devs confirmed this was just a "wording issue" and was never intended in the first place. Thanks. Will be refunding.

The FPS has gone down from being 130 during missions during open beta, to being 100 tops during the prelaunch, to sub 80 for entire missions after launch. At 1080p, on a 3080 with a 9700k at 5.1 ghz all core overclock. This is abysmal now. This is on LOW setting, high barely changes the FPS and you need every frame.

Current major issues.
-Crafting not fully implemented but the cash shop is.
-Crafting only has upgrade option for gear. Costs 150 diamontide and 900 plasteeel, to go from blue to purple tier. You get 10-20 diamontide and 100+ plasteel a run on difficulty 2 resulting in thousands of excess plasteel sitting around.
-Missing weapons that were promised and advertised in their discord and forums, with the devs actively commenting that they KNOW they are missing. Weapon count was at 65 after launch with a promised 70+, but we got a working cash shop instead.
-Many bugs, unable to pickup crafting material, meshes being bad on clothing you PAID for, voice lines being completely broken when they werent before the full launch, and so on.
-Audio bugs with where sounds play from.
-Enemies will literally spawn behind you and are programmed to do so. I have seen this happen to teammates in the distance and had it happen to me. Even witnessed a specific spot on a map spawn a HORDE of the default enemies that are already in mid swing animation to hit you.

Cash Shop Stuff
-FOMO galore. Timed releases and rotation. Limited time items and outfits at LAUNCH of the game.
-Prices are 10$ = 2.1k tokens (silver) in game.
-Full outfits (Head, body, leggings/boots) are 2400 tokens.
-Partial clothing ranges from 800-1200 each again causing you to buy multiple sets if silver AND still having some left over.

Review written at 43 hours tracked on steam. Will come back and re-review once there are more patches. Got to level 28 during pre-launch and one more level during launch. Played 8 successful matches, 3 failures, after launch as tracked by in-game weekly mission.
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