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Análises recentes de Primmsmatic

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1 pessoa achou esta análise útil
56.9 horas registradas (19.9 horas no momento da análise)
This game is truly a gem and I would encourage anyone who enjoys magic and farm sims to play this game. The voice acting and characters are so immersive and fun. There's some really clever moments kind of teasing at some of the tropes that happen in these kind of games. The sound design is seriously so impressive I cannot say enough about it. The mystery that keeps unraveling as you play is definitely a hook that keeps me coming back for more to see what I'll discover next. At about 20 hours into the game I have been having so much fun and still have so much more to look forward to! I did receive this as a gifted key but when I have some disposable income I will be purchasing it on the switch. I already see the potential replay value and it's just a warm hug of a game that I am cherishing.
Publicada em 28 de setembro de 2022.
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33.2 horas registradas (12.4 horas no momento da análise)
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I am addicted to beavers. I love them and planning their little world. They do be dying but that just makes me wanna try harder.
Publicada em 14 de março de 2022.
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1 pessoa achou esta análise útil
17.6 horas registradas (14.8 horas no momento da análise)
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This game is such a fantastic mix of calm survival and building and difficult combat. I am so excited to see where it goes.
Publicada em 6 de janeiro de 2022.
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