Peliaika viimeisen 2 viikon aikana:

Näytä maailmanlaajuiset saavutustilastot
Tilastojen vertailu omiisi vaatii kirjautumista
30/35 (86%) saavutuksista avattu:
Henkilökohtaiset saavutukset


Complete the campaign on Easy difficulty.
Avattu 23.6. klo 21.19


Complete the campaign on Medium difficulty.
Avattu 23.6. klo 21.19

Chapel Perilous

Survived the asteroid storm.
Avattu 15.6. klo 21.37


Complete 5 missions without the Mothership being hit by enemy fire.
Avattu 15.6. klo 21.08

Bug Swatter

Eliminate 200 total enemy strikecraft in the campaign.
Avattu 14.6. klo 20.33

Hostile Takeover

Capture an enemy ship.
Avattu 15.6. klo 20.55

That Belongs in a Museum!

Collect an artifact during a War Games session.
Avattu 23.6. klo 21.32

Big Game Hunter

Eliminate 50 total enemy capital ships.
Avattu 21.6. klo 18.53

The Great Cannon

Unlock the Mothership’s Fusion Missile.
Avattu 21.6. klo 19.17

The Unbound

Research your first ship upgrade.
Avattu 11.6. klo 20.21

If You’ll Be My Bodyguard

Order a ship to guard another ship.
Avattu 11.6. klo 20.17

Stay in formation!

Set a command group to assume a new formation.
Avattu 11.6. klo 20.14

Grand Armada

Build a grand total of 500 ships.
Avattu 18.6. klo 20.09

We Are Away

Put the Khar-Kushan through its paces.
Avattu 14.6. klo 19.40

A Helluva Ship

Integrated the production facility in the Mothership.
Avattu 14.6. klo 19.53

Into the Glacier

Navigated through the icy crevasse.
Avattu 21.6. klo 18.03

Ghosts Of The Desert

Successfully enter the ice shelf without the Mothership ever being detected.
Avattu 21.6. klo 18.02

Warriors Of The Fringe

Defeat the Kalan Raider Carrier.
Avattu 14.6. klo 20.52

One Step Too Close

Encounter a new, mysterious enemy force.
Avattu 14.6. klo 21.02

Open The Way

Successfully disable the Citadel.
Avattu 19.6. klo 20.00

As They Have Hunted Us

Defeat the Warsage.
Avattu 20.6. klo 19.34

The Sajuuk-Khar

Reunite with the Khar-Sajuuk.
Avattu 21.6. klo 19.05

The Time Of Prophecy

Witness the enemy using a Hyperspace Tunnel.
Avattu 22.6. klo 21.10

This War Is Over

Defeat the Incarnate Titan.
Avattu 23.6. klo 21.19

A Dark Cloud Gathers

Uncover the enemy’s identity.
Avattu 15.6. klo 21.08

Prepare To Shipbreak

Ward off all enemy attacks during core repairs.
Avattu 18.6. klo 20.13

Fix-it Frigate

Fully repair 50 ships using Support Frigates.
Avattu 14.6. klo 21.20


Blow up 5 ships with one explosion.
Avattu 18.6. klo 19.12

That Was One in a Million!

Land the final shot to destroy a Capital ship with a Fleet Bomber ship.
Avattu 18.6. klo 19.44

A Path Across the Galaxy

In Campaign, have a (non-mothership) ship built in Facility 315 survive all the way through until the end of the campaign.
Avattu 23.6. klo 21.19


Complete the campaign on Hard difficulty.

Shall We Play a Game?

Successfully complete a War Games session for the first time.

Not Today, Singularity!

Win a Skirmish match consisting of at least 3 enemy AI opponents.

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