Allegra   Georgia
Hallucinating Meg Thomas with a Brazilian buttlift…
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Dead by Daylight
Screenshot Showcase
Patricia 12 Mar @ 8:31am 
Maximum disappointment
Awful, the most annoying Voice actor ever! Trying be edgy, mad psycho, but sounds too cliche, like voice actor is inexperienced teenager
I really hope his VA have dark things(Like jonah's VA) and they will change him.
But yeah, he looks too cringe, not scary, not funny, just bad
And Mori.... Damn, I never thought what they will invite sfm animators for it. Even someTF2 fan movies have better animation.
And it is a lost potential
Damn, even Vampyr,Days gone, TLOU,Bloodborne,Elden ring, damn, even Housamo chapter sounds much better than this.... Thing what we got. ...
And they really add 100-7 phrase? Seriously? .....
Come on, anime fans, try mock me and be 'cool" By talking what my words doesn't make sense and etc. Ah, I forgot, many of anime fans can't even read and can't have too much concentration for read until last sentence)
Hidwnpull 5 Mar @ 2:21pm 
good survivor, +rep
hot dog 4 Mar @ 3:31am 
-rep very bad killer u ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ u are really bad killer camper tunneler slugger ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ go learn how to play come 1v1 then i ♥♥♥♥ ur mama there i looped u like 20 min noob stupid ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Patricia 27 Feb @ 3:37am 
Louise Griffindor: Petah, I got stuck in cvm by dayight
Patricia 24 Feb @ 6:25am 
+rep Estás corriendo bien. Te vi correr)
Sesame Syrup 22 Feb @ 10:54am 
+rep კარგად დარბიხარ. ვუყურე შენ როგორ რბოდი)