Relegons   United States
Vanilla Longjump PB:

Relegons jumped 245.5198 units with a Long Jump
VNL | 8 Strafes | 55.0% Sync | 250.00 Pre | 285.85 Max | 0 W | 0 OL | 17 DA | 32.9° Avg. Width | 57.0 Height | 0.781 Airtime | 0.0 Offset
#. Sync Gain Loss Airtime Width OL DA
1. 88% 3.37 0.01 9% 0.0° 0 0
2. 92% 11.91 0.55 13% 0.0° 0 0
3. 88% 5.09 0.00 9% 0.0° 0 1
4. 60% 1.50 0.00 10% 0.0° 0 0
5. 44% 1.90 0.00 9% 0.0° 0 2
6. 63% 5.32 0.61 11% 0.0° 0 0
7. 40% 4.67 0.00 10% 0.0° 0 3
8. 50% 3.25 0.00 12% 0.0° 0 0

KZTimer Longjump PB (with bind):
[KZ] Relegons jumped 284.7964 units with a LongJump [10 Strafes | 276.161 Pre | 372 Max | Height 57.0 | 85% Sync | CrouchJump: yes | -Forward: yes]
#. Sync Gained Lost MaxSpeed AirTime
1. 100% 7.225 0.000 283.387 5%
2. 92% 13.820 0.000 297.207 11%
3. 91% 12.612 0.104 309.715 9%
4. 92% 12.830 0.866 321.679 13%
5. 90% 10.734 2.092 330.321 9%
6. 91% 10.448 0.000 340.770 9%
7. 79% 12.063 0.000 352.834 13%
8. 90% 8.920 0.000 361.755 9%
9. 62% 9.012 0.000 370.767 13%
10. 67% 2.146 0.000 372.913 1%

(No jump bind):
[KZ] Relegons jumped 279.6260 units with a LongJump [9 Strafes | 275.441 Pre | 375 Max | Height 55.8 | 89% Sync | CrouchJump: no | -Forward: yes]
#. Sync Gained Lost MaxSpeed AirTime
1. 88% 9.860 0.000 285.302 8%
2. 100% 12.047 0.000 297.349 12%
3. 90% 11.291 0.000 308.641 10%
4. 85% 13.164 0.000 321.806 12%
5. 100% 11.318 0.000 333.124 12%
6. 85% 12.018 0.000 345.143 12%
7. 75% 10.593 0.000 355.736 12%
8. 86% 12.992 0.000 368.728 14%
9. 100% 6.746 0.000 375.475 8%
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