Germany 7-1 Brazil 2014 FIFA World Cup of Rape #neverforget
if u watch here u'll think im gud at games kappa
Twitch []
I used to stream :boss: gameplay on Paladins. "pros" in that game were so :csgo_ez: lol. too bad game is kill coz devs are retarded.

Cyberpunk 2077 is literally THE WORST game I have EVER played.
and I have been playing PC games since DOS
Preordered -> nolifed it -> depression -> refunded

I once got banned from an iOS game coz they thought i was cheating rofl:lunar2019crylaughingpig:

I sometimes eat a lot of Skittles in the hope that one day, I will be able to fart out a beautiful rainbow, just like Nyancat.

How about everyone here not saying the word "d i c k" anymore? It provokes my envy.

Do you even have a pair of balls? If you do, are they even attached? If they are, are they even yours?


♥♥♥♥♥ what
or wait
♥♥♥♥♥ nani

[11:08]KaTusha~🎧 sleepy 25/7:
i regret telling u nani so much

ohh you should
legit said that to a dude i work with


i need a name for a cat like thing

[21:23]KaTusha~🎧 Astralis OP af:

Nani it is


07:13 - kingerik: didnt u sleep like all day yesterday
07:13 - kingerik: youre like a house cat
07:14 - kingerik: sleep 20 hours a day
07:14 - kingerik: hunt 4 hours a day
07:15 - Катushа~🎧 has changed their name to houseКатushа~🎧.


13:59 - Gamer ✔️ Huge ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ass ✔: asians randomly get 1 big thing when born
13:59 - Gamer ✔️ Huge ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ass ✔: 99% get big brain
13:59 - Gamer ✔️ Huge ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ass ✔: she got big face and u got big ass
14:17 - Катushа~🎧 RIP VP :"( GO C9!!!!!: ROFL
14:17 - Катushа~🎧 RIP VP :"( GO C9!!!!!: well said
14:18 - Катushа~🎧 RIP VP :"( GO C9!!!!!: thinly veiled insult but a good one
14:18 - Gamer ✔️ Huge ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ass ✔: HAHA
14:18 - Gamer ✔️ Huge ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ass ✔: I WAS HOPING U WOULDNT


16:30 - rkgniz: dosia reminds me of meatball from aqua teen hunger force
16:30 - rkgniz:
16:30 - rkgniz: zues is fries
16:30 - rkgniz: drink is adreN

Review Showcase
847 Hours played

"VICTORY" -13 TP bcoz this totally makes sense to hirez (not my pic)

SO balanced and not buggy

hirez support:

EDIT after they refused to cancel patch OB64: P2W patch next Wednesday (2017-12-13). GG. "lets do exactly what EA just did to their own game (search starwars lootbox if u don't know wut happened) to OURS! wat could possibly go wrong!!?!" Hirez ruined Global Agenda and Tribes and now they are doing it a THIRD TIME to Paladins. Ignore what I write down below, DO NOT even try this game anymore. Just don't. Don't even think about it. Go to reddit and read all the spicy memes on this game, coz they are better thought-out than this next sh*t patch from hirez.

Original review:
This game is becoming more of a joke with each patch. The devs do NOT play this game at all and keep releasing patches that make ZERO logical sense. They do NOT listen to player feedback AT ALL. They always say they do and they care but in reality they do not give a damn as long as you buy their RNG chests and skin packs.

This company prioritize SKINS over BUG-fixing. This is why you see new RNG SKIN LOOT CHESTS with EVERY patch but not much BUG-FIXING. THERE IS ZERO QA or BETA TESTING. In fact, there are so many bugs for so freaking long, bugs from MONTHS ago are still in the game which you can encounter with every play session. They have this thing called PTS (Paladins Test Server) where they release upcoming patches for, SUPPOSEDLY, player-testing. But the thing is even AFTER players submit a truckload of bug reports on forums and reddit, the devs IGNORE ALL of them and still PUSH THE BUGGY PATCH ONTO LIVE SERVER with absolutely ZERO change from when it was on PTS. You have to ask yourself WHY DO THEY EVEN PUT IT ON TEST SERVER IF THEY ARE NOT WILLING TO TEST AND FIX IT? It's simple, they do it so it looks like they are doing something when they really do not care. What you see on PTS is what you'll get on LIVE. What a fkin joke.

This is also why the balance in this game are all over the place. They don't know their own game and release completely unbalanced extremely OP heros because no QA no test no brain. There are some former employees saying the CEO playtest the game and if he can't win the hero will be made more powerful. (read links below). LOL maybe this is true looking at how fked up balance is.

With the next upcoming OB64 patch they will completely overhaul the card system and make it borderline P2W if not completely P2W. LOL RIP~~~

At the time of writing this, I really do not see much hope for this game in the future. If you, for some reason, still wanna get into this game after reading the above, then do it but DO NOT PAY A CENT. It can be very tempting to pay for the Founders Pack so you can access all heros from the start, but DON'T, or you'll regret it later.

More reading on this company and why the game is/has been heading in the wrong direction:
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nedive 10 Feb, 2024 @ 7:03am 
Happy lunar year :steamsad:
SpannerV2 1 Jan, 2024 @ 2:54pm 
And a Happy New Year!
SpannerV2 25 Dec, 2023 @ 12:57pm 
Wherever you are, Merry Christmas!
nedive 2 Jul, 2023 @ 12:27pm 
SpannerV2 3 May, 2023 @ 11:29am

Where my Best Friend?