Aaron   Somerset, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Other names I go by online are Perro (Dog), Pixel Error and Pixerro/Pixel Perro
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Review Showcase
9.3 Hours played
This is an amazing game, the setting is beautiful, the horror elements were creepy and had the best jump scares I had seen in awhile. I will definitely play the next one. Why do I not recommend it? Simple, it is a terrible port to pc. It has a game breaking bug in the first chapter that goes off if you have Vsync disabled, so you have to restart the entire game and go through the long scripted start sequence because you aren't given a save point that early on in the game (FYI I didn't relies the Vsync bug until the third restart - so you can understand how I almost quit the game there). The controls and aiming were one of the worst I have had to deal with in a console port before, it was incredibly sluggish. It crashed multiple times until I realised you had to keep the FPS to maxed at 30. To give the game credit I had fun and it isn't as bad as Cysis' bugs.
Bionicblood 22 Feb, 2022 @ 12:19pm 
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