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110.6 hrs on record
this is a bit different from other final fantasy game and darker of how the world is within FF16 (their world is called valisthea) so far this is a light version of devil may cry combo with strangers of paradise in combination which works well within the gameplay.

the story in short is self-acceptance, freedom, vengeance, forgiveness, kinda gonna make ya cry and to KILL GOD for messing with the world etc.
the music top notch which i'm gonna add some on my playlist.
audio pretty good.
graphical open world environment areas are not bad and the characters are well detailed.
english voice acting is great, not sure about other language but give it a try.
The gameplay has many combination of skills of how you want to play against enemies and bosses that you can do with immensely high damage or fast staggering stun or mix'em.

the only problem i have is to check which version i'm running for nvidia to update or re-roll to see if it crash or do a black screen while hearing the audio. so the stable version i'm running is 561.09 that hasn't crash, freeze or did a black screen throughout the whole game but it depends on what gpu you have.

i will say it's a 8.9/10 (might do NG+ for FF mode)
Posted 12 January. Last edited 12 January.
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1.3 hrs on record
dude wacked me alot of time.

so far for the demo gameplay is fantastic that i'm glad keoi tecmo improved it but the switch controller need to be check out which sometime make the protag char run to the right without touching the analog stick and block button as well. the PS5 and xbox controller works normally.

give the demo a try if ya like a hack and slash game with a bit of DMC style.
Posted 24 November, 2024.
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35.7 hrs on record
The story seem short or rushed, his teammate get suspicious when titus never explain why he become death chapter or why he falsely accuse, we don't get much details of our teammate (gadriel and chairon) of how does chairon knows the thousand sun which is given a little details that we have read the books version of what to happen to that planet and lastly doesn't explain how Imurah knows titus which he wasn't on space marine 1 unless other chaos marine told him but at least we got to fight the thousand son...i guess.

anyway the gameplay is quite good, neat environment areas, combat is smooth, PVE is not bad (still need more stage), PVP is ummm....meh and it's has a great customization to make whatever space marine chapter you like for example the salamanders.

Posted 18 September, 2024.
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84.7 hrs on record (24.8 hrs at review time)
Kingdom hearts story is kinda......questionable but never gives ya the answers so meh, the only thing is fun is the combat gameplay and some mini-games. for peeps who brought the game from the epic store.....either buy the game on steam (on sale prices) or try get a refund on epic or leave it how it is so good luck.
Posted 30 June, 2024. Last edited 30 June, 2024.
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88.1 hrs on record
Goofy: "Remember sora, kingdom hearts Birth by Coded Sleep Dream Drop HD Chain of Memories Days... 358 Final Mix 2... ReMIX... Dream Drop Distance... "

Goofy dies

Sora: ''the ♥♥♥♥ does that mean?!''

Mickey: "No one knows sora, They'll pay for this"

Mickey commits mass-genocide
Posted 25 June, 2024. Last edited 25 June, 2024.
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5.3 hrs on record
Early Access Review
didn't knew gianni matragrano would be in the game till i found out the toilet scene of him TAKING A HUGE DUMP for 5min while screaming for his life.
i will give this game 10/10 frying pan

for real tho, it's a great game and worth playing
Posted 17 June, 2024.
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9.5 hrs on record
my boi bernie doesn't want to admit that he on fire till i stole his sunglasses.
Posted 4 June, 2024.
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112.3 hrs on record (109.6 hrs at review time)
03/05/2024: it was fun and all for a 3 months but now it's just.....disappointing since we're force to make an PSN account

05/05/2024 Edit: good news, sony dropped off the mandatory PSN account.

thanks to the dev and the team at arrowhead studio for supporting the community or customers which everyone play normally worldwide.
Posted 3 May, 2024. Last edited 6 May, 2024.
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99.4 hrs on record (9.9 hrs at review time)
Hey Hank, Look! Propane!
Posted 15 December, 2023.
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12.9 hrs on record (12.2 hrs at review time)
managed to play for about a week or so which i enjoyed the gameplay but somehow the game decided to do the infinite loading loop (from selecting your character creation) which i have no clue why. i checked online whatever there a fix, simply is to change the time and date to make it playable but makes the online server is bit bugged.

not sure if bandai namco will fix the problem or not.
Posted 10 December, 2023. Last edited 11 December, 2023.
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