
Последние обзоры Sacré Hubert

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51.0 ч. всего (39.6 ч. в момент написания)
Love this game.
What i don't love, is the game punishing me for playing strategically. Cutting off corruption in a corner at the end of spring apparently isn't allowed and the game will relentlessly send you wave after wave of ten to twenty monsters, even during the day, my villagers dying of thirst after 3 days of non-stop reloading and crafting ammunition, and the corruption spreading anyway across the mountains at 5x speed (1 tile every 5 second).
Still, recommended.
Опубликовано 17 июля 2021 г..
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43.8 ч. всего (37.6 ч. в момент написания)
Love the game! Been playing it a lot, despite the very frequent crashes.
Would have given it a positive review, but the latest crash erased all my save files.
Опубликовано 21 марта 2020 г..
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22.9 ч. всего (6.8 ч. в момент написания)
Pros :
+ Very fun, fast paced combat
+ Great moveset customisation
+ Fun boss fights
+ Hand-crafted beautiful pixel art

Cons :
- Very repetitive and short for a roguelike
- No story
- Bad enemy AI (melee enemies just home in on you and attack whenever it's possible and ranged enemies just spam attacks whenever you're in their line of sight; in the later levels, getting attacked, stun-locked and stuck in a corner until you die is quite common, which is just no fun at all; enemies all buff and attack you all at once, ...)
- Weird difficulty : once you learn their patterns, bosses are fairly easy but lack of hitstun, buffs, invicible dodges and huge life pools make random enemies a pain in the neck later on
- Not a lot of unlockables
- UI, Music and Art Direction are very generic especially when compared to other roguelikes (Binding of Isaac, Dead Cells, Rogue Legacy, ...)
- Level design gets stale very quickly

Game feels like it's late beta and not actually finished, but i'm sure all of these point will be improved upon, i'll gladly change my vote then.
Опубликовано 12 июня 2018 г.. Отредактировано 12 июня 2018 г..
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