Picasso de Gallo
Oregon, United States
Payin' Gabe and playin' game since 2004.
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11.4 Hours played
What makes a good Aliens game?

You and your two friends standing back-to-back on a platform surrounded by heavy turrets and flamethrower sentries with hordes of Xenomorphs sprinting towards you--emerging out of the ground, the walls, and the ceiling in every possible direction. Just as your team needs to reload, you hear the incredible deep and echoing footsteps of a Praetorian Xenomorph charging at you in his thickly armored skin. As you turn and run, in your panic you overlooked an egg and a Facehugger emerges and lunges toward your mouth and completely disrupts your retreat.

At first this game feels a like quite a bit like Remnant: From the Ashes. But where this game exceeds Remnant is with its continuity and overall flow of the campaign. Remnant feels at times like you're running in circles because the level designs kind of all look the same, or perhaps you've missed some silly MacGuffin to continue forward. Aliens: Fireteam Elite drives you forward through the exciting campaign with beautiful level design that matches the aesthetic of the Aliens movie series. And there's no silly MacGuffins.

This game gets an A as an action game, as a co-op game, as a wave-shooter game. It gets an A+ for the best Aliens experience to date, and it gets an A+ for sound design that ties everything together.

Keep the volume turned up, keep the brightness down low, and play on the hardest difficulties.
- OFF-WHITE - 25 Nov, 2010 @ 2:56pm