Han   York, York, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Archaeologist, Goth, Artist, Gamer, LARPer, Fuzzball, Film maker & sfx
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585 Hours played
Looks: Awesome. evocative of older platformers with a pixelated sprites and detailed backdrops. Nice consistent colour pallet, only a few instances where the enemies blend in with the scenery. 4/5

Soundtrack: Brilliant, varied enough that it doesn't grate but subtle enough that it doesn't distract from the flow of game play. 5/5

Storytelling: Mostly told visually, with some notes and sarcastic commentary from the player character, it paints a perfectly spooky story with tons of atmosphere, grim as all hell but manages somehow to be light hearted about it. 5/5

Game play: I found that the difficulty spike was rather steep, but recent patches and re balancing has gone some way to address that, the devs team still seem to be actively engaging with the player base for what can be improved. I also find that on levels with a lot of enemies it can chug, mostly centered on a singular enemy who once destroyed frees the game up, or in an area around the shops, in particular the final boss fight for me is fought in slow mo, but it may be my machine showing its age, your mileage may vary. 3/5

The team has continued to create more content and refine mechanics for no extra charge, this is a game that is loved and supported by its creators and players.

Conclusion: Over all if you like rogue likes then you will like this.