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20 av 38 (53%) prestationer uppnådda:
Personliga prestationer

Medal of Annihilation

Awarded for performing a multi-kill of 40 or more enemies
Upplåst 11 feb @ 11:55

Meritorious Marksmanship Award

Awarded for 90% shot accuracy in a single wave
Upplåst 11 feb @ 11:55

Medal of Great Appetite Achievement

Awarded for 90% food collection in a single wave
Upplåst 11 feb @ 11:55

Distinguished Green Greed Cross

Awarded for 90% coin collection in a single stage
Upplåst 11 feb @ 11:55

Chicken Hunter Medal of Excellence

Awarded for 90% kill ratio in a single stage
Upplåst 11 feb @ 11:55

Hard-Boiled Certificate of Merit

Awarded for no deaths in a single stage
Upplåst 11 feb @ 11:55

Recognition Medal of Self-Restraint

Awarded for not using any special weapons in a single stage
Upplåst 11 feb @ 11:55

Conspicuous "No Help" Commendation

Awarded for not using satellites in a single stage
Upplåst 11 feb @ 11:55

Honourable "Either Brave or Stupid" Achievement Award

Awarded for not collecting any power-ups in a single stage
Upplåst 11 feb @ 11:55

Medal of Extreme Appetite Achievement

Awarded for 90% food collection in an entire mission
Upplåst 11 feb @ 11:55

Superior Budget Thriftiness Commendation Medal

Awarded for completing an entire mission without using any special weapons
Upplåst 11 feb @ 11:55

Outstanding "One Man Army" Medal

Awarded for completing an entire mission without using satellites
Upplåst 11 feb @ 11:55

Greatest Chicken Hunter of All Time Award

Awarded for completing an entire mission without dying once
Upplåst 11 feb @ 11:55

"Iceman" Coolness Award

Awarded for not overheating in an entire mission
Upplåst 11 feb @ 11:55

Trivial Campaign Trophy

Awarded for successfully completing a trivial mission
Upplåst 11 feb @ 11:55

Easy Campaign Trophy

Awarded for successfully completing an easy mission
Upplåst 11 feb @ 11:55

Intermediate Campaign Trophy

Awarded for successfully completing an intermediate mission
Upplåst 11 feb @ 11:55

Hard Campaign Trophy

Awarded for successfully completing a hard mission
Upplåst 11 feb @ 11:55

Very Hard Campaign Trophy

Awarded for successfully completing a very hard mission
Upplåst 11 feb @ 11:55

Grill Hero

Awarded for selling 10,000 units of food at once
Upplåst 11 feb @ 11:55

Medal of Extreme Unpreparedness

Awarded for successfully completing a mission without any mountable equipment or satellites

Elite Campaign Trophy

Awarded for successfully completing an elite mission

Grand Admiral Accomplishment

Awarded for reaching Tier 99

Great Perfectionist Acknowledgement

Awarded for exploring the entire galaxy

Daily Diligence Declaration

Awarded for logging in 30 days consecutively

Victorious Champion Stamp of Approval

Awarded for flying 50,000 waves

Scrooge McCluck Certification

Awarded for amassing 100,000 keys

Birthday Accomplishment

Awarded for serving the UHF for one full year

Daily Winner (Easy)

Awarded for first place in an easy "Daily Challenge"

Daily Winner (Intermediate)

Awarded for first place in an intermediate "Daily Challenge"

Daily Winner (Hard)

Awarded for first place in a hard "Daily Challenge"

Weekly Winner

Awarded for first place in a "Weekly Challenge"

Speedy Gonzales

Awarded for first place in a "Space Race"


Awarded for first place in an "Ironman Competition"

Daily Hard Worker

Awarded daily to the pilot with the most waves flown

Weekly Hard Worker

Awarded weekly to the pilot with the most waves flown

Busy Bee Accolade

Awarded weekly to the most active squadron

Galactic Cup

Awarded for winning the Galactic Cup