I am a hacker yes, I do it for work and for a living. I test new cheats every month. I don't pay more than 20 dollars for cheats. Cheats I use/used

Icheats https://icheat.io/
Redeyecheats {LINK FJERNET}
Insanity https://insanitycheats.com/ (using now)
Source cheats {LINK FJERNET}

Some free to use cheats / they can give you an errormalware and sometimes keylogging /
Iniuria, Interwebz, PlatinumCheats, Unity Hacks.
For more info message. Hate will be removed :)

Q: Will you ever be banned by the cheats?
A: No, cheats are sometimes used for checking the system and most of the cheats that are montlypayed can not be detected. If it gets detected valve gets in trouble
Er i øjeblikket offline
Würstchen mit Grünkohl 9. apr. 2017 kl. 17:15 
JYX 12. dec. 2015 kl. 6:52 
hahaha ye :D yesterday i cheated to strong ^^ but dont worry i have 16 accounts more :D