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張貼於:2022 年 1 月 6 日 上午 8:18
更新於:2022 年 1 月 6 日 上午 8:41

Unfortunately, I can't recommend Dust to the End. It has a cool premise, but the execution is just... mediocre.

Combat is completely monotonous and uninteresting. There aren't really any tactics or strategy needed. Just do basic attacks and every once in a while do an attack that uses points. This is really inexcusable since there are so many other games out there with this style of combat (Bard's Tale 4 and Darkest Dungeon are shining examples) where abilities and synergy are exciting and crucial to success. Here, combat is just a slog of attacks until RNG decides you're done.

There other poor design decisions that really put a damper on things. Early on it is easy for your cash to go negative on payday, from which there is no way to recover other than to hope you have a saved game from an hour ago to reload and hire less mercs.

My ranged characters have become useless because of the limited supply of ammunition. There is only one town that sells ammo, but not nearly enough to last a month. In theory you can craft your own ammo, but 4 hours in and I haven't found out how... and I've spent the last 1+ hour with all my ranged characters twiddling their thumbs.

There is pretty much no documentation (either online or in-game), which just exacerbates the many issues with this game.
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