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A 4 personas les pareció útil esta reseña
0.9 h registradas
An absolute butchering of a masterpiece. I'm truly disappointed in Atlus for choosing to lazily port this over FES. This version and port is a joke and isn't worth your time. It was torture playing this for as long as I did. I initially dubbed this version as a "one step forward, two step backwards" but I wouldn't even call it that anymore, I'd just call it crap.

First major mistake on this version is they removed the cutscenes. Remember that awesome super memorable cutscene where the protagonist first awakens to his persona? Gone. Instead it's some in-game PSP rendition that looks (and sounds) absolutely terrible. So all the tension is thrown out the window. They didn't even bother uncompressing the audio for this "cutscene", not surprising though as that seems like an impossible task for Atlus seeing as they didn't do that for the BGM for Nocturne.

Bringing up from the previous mistake, the models are all downgraded, meaning you get that crispy clean PSP model characters. It looks absolutely terrible. Their evokers look like a triangle and a square and I'm not kidding. It truly hurt my soul looking at them on a 4K screen.

Next up in this abomination is no 3D overworld, which is instead replaced by a cursor based point and click map which looks so unfitting on any modern screen, but that's not all. The dialogue screens are all replaced with VN style background stills taken from the cutscenes or the general area, which doesn't just feel stupid, it LOOKS horrible. It feels like it has 3D objects within the stills that just looks horrible in general, and there's a reason for it. Apparently they hired some third party group to upscale the backgrounds, and it shows. And this third party group used waifu2x. Truly incredible.

A common argument you'll hear from people that'll support this version is controllable party members, which sure is a fair argument right? Until you find out there's a mod for FES that let's you do exactly that, with some ISOs already including that feature (which is how I played the game).

There is also no "The Answer" the epilogue to the story of P3. While opinions around the epilogue vary, it's still missing content that for some reason Atlus forgot about.

There are a couple additions that this version has, which is just RNG party member support damage that 4 and 5 have, there are a couple new songs that are good, as well as the addition to play as a female character, but it isn't worth downgrading your experience for. You also can only use one weapon type whereas in the previous versions there were many. This shoddy port doesn't even include skill inheritance...

I feel bad for anybody playing P3 for the first time this way. Everything about this version (and port) is a terrible downgrade and the pros aren't worth it. It honestly depresses me seeing Atlus rave around this port as if it's the true and only version you should play.

What should of been done on Atlus' part is make a definitive version of both FES and Portable. Using FES as the base and add on Portable's additions as well (female character, and so on) and go from there to perhaps upgrade textures and whatever else for a proper remaster. Call it Persona 3 DEF or something. Instead, we got the inferior downgraded PSP port with very little effort to even modernize that, and they have the balls to say it was painfully difficult porting all these games over... lol.

Please for the love of god stay away from this port and emulate FES with controllable party member mod. I promise you it's the best version.
Publicada el 22 de marzo de 2023.
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18.3 h registradas (17.8 h cuando escribió la reseña)
A classic, based game that you should own, especially now so since every NMH game is on Steam, my younger self would be extremely happy. Just keep in mind that the ports are only just barely serviceable, unfortunately.

Remaster Flower Sun And Rain, Suda.
Publicada el 5 de febrero de 2023.
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13.9 h registradas (13.5 h cuando escribió la reseña)
A short, sweet, unique journey about a cat trying to find his way out of a giant underground city. Very comfy game and highly recommend. You can tell they put care and effort into this beautiful game.
Publicada el 29 de julio de 2022.
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17.5 h registradas (14.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ head hurts because of this game
Publicada el 18 de agosto de 2021.
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165.4 h registradas (86.6 h cuando escribió la reseña)
SMT 3 is quite possibly one of the best JRPGs out there. While the remaster could be better and better priced, it's still the definitive way to play this masterpiece. If you haven't played this game before and are a fan of turn based combat, this is a definite must pick up game and is yet another reason why the PS2 was one of the best consoles of all time. On the technical side of things, the remaster provides manual skill inheritance (no more constant refreshing for the exact skills you want) native resolution and graphics options, brand new voice acting for English and Japanese, and updated textures for a lot of stuff. I've seen a lot of people complain about the price and while I admit it could be better, for the amount of content you get and the replayability I don't regret spending $70 nor do I feel like it was a waste. However if you've played this game numerous amounts of times you could see where they could of done better and I can understand why some people would say this is more of an enhanced port.

The music is uncompressed, meaning you still got the shoddy PS2 quality music playing for the battles. Thankfully there's a mod to uncompress the music you can find online.

Demons could of been completely remade (e.g using the Persona 5 models or completely redone) though I still think they look pretty good.

No new new dungeons were added besides two areas which basically make it super easy to level and get money.

No new demons.

Some cutscenes are still 4:9 (really Atlus?)

A lot of lines were rewritten which some were because of the new voice acting but others were re-done too and I don't know why. As far as the difficulty goes, I feel like it's way over exaggerated. There are some bosses that can be difficult but it isn't borderline impossible like some make it out to be. The only ones I had major trouble with was Matador and White Rider. Other than that, the game (difficulty wise) wasn't too bad so long as you know what you're doing. As far as the story goes, it's pretty damn good though I feel like TDE was definitely underwhelming but it was very fun to go through learning what bosses are weak to what and what demons you should bring to fight and fusing and enjoying the story as I go along. It definitely starts on the right foot in setting the tone and atmosphere with the dark, gritty and evil world that you're unfortunately placed into. If you're a newcomer, I highly recommend picking this up, you might love it. If you're a MegaTen veteran, I'd still pick it up and play this version as your main version for the game and go in with a "While it could be better it's still good" mindset. By the way, the game is extremely beautiful. I've taken over 100 screenies. Thegame also has native support and button prompts for PS4 and PS5 controllers and X360, XOne/XSX controllers as well as keyboard prompts.

It literally makes my heart so happy to see this game on Steam as it was originally announced for PS4 and Switch, and when it got announced for PC I was super super SUPER excited and pre ordered immediately. Atlus, PLEASE port and remaster more of your games and put them on Steam.
Publicada el 28 de junio de 2021. Última edición: 29 de junio de 2021.
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1.8 h registradas (1.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Great demo but damn is that timer dumb. Why limit a demo to an hour? What sense does that make?
Publicada el 2 de mayo de 2021.
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48 personas encontraron divertida esta reseña
16.4 h registradas
This is a certified hood classic
Publicada el 25 de abril de 2021.
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32.7 h registradas (2.5 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Honestly? Probably better than the Mario Party games I played, and definitely better than Super Mario Party. When I first saw this game I was interested in seeing if it was just a bad Mario Party rip off or if it improved on the formula, and it very much did improve on it. First being is it introduces a health system, and it may make you wonder how could a Mario Party based game have a health system in it? But it actually fits quite well and I like it a lot. You have 30 health and certain spots make you lose health. If you die, you respawn at a respawn spot somewhere on the map, it can change up the game flow somewhat and I like this introduction a lot. The "coins" in this game are keys, and the "stars" from what I've gathered so far are actually different each map. Oh, and there's 6 (or 7 iirc) maps and all but one are pretty large. Game has bots too. The minigames are actually fun as well barring a few I don't like but even then I can tell they put a lot of work into all of them and this entire game. Another thing I like about this game is the turn order is based on who wins the next minigame. So if you're first place, you get first turn on the next order on the game board. If you're second, you'll be the second turn, if you're third you'll be third and so on. My only complaint about this game is the sound design, it's pretty lacking in terms of cool soundtracks or charming sounds when doing a lot of things, but that's something I can forgive since there isn't many other mistakes I can think of. I definitely think this game is worth $15 but only if you have a friend or a few friends to play it with, if you do then you'll have a blast and I don't think you'll regret it.
Publicada el 12 de diciembre de 2020.
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A 13 personas les pareció útil esta reseña
34.1 h registradas (10.2 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Probably my favorite David Cage game next to Detroit Become Human. If you like interactive movies essentially you got a great one right here. Can also be played with two people without it detracting anything of the game which is pretty awesome. For $20 I definitely recommend picking it up and doing a playthrough.
Publicada el 6 de octubre de 2020.
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0.9 h registradas
Don't understand why this game is praised as much as it is when it's as painfully below average like it's predecessor. Still has bots in multiplayer which I don't understand why they'd add such thing. Maps just aren't fun to navigate in either. The titans are pretty cool in design and such but you're only in them for a limited amount of time and even a shorter amount if there's more people around since they aren't that hard to take out. To me, this game is just a low-grade mecha game that just makes you want to play a better mecha game. Even when I bought this at $10 I knew I wasn't going to play it again after a few games and when my friend decided he wasn't interested in it either, so I refunded. Heard the campaign is pretty good and seeing as it's made by Respawn I'd believe it, but I'm also just not exactly in a hurry to play it since I wasn't impressed with the core mechanics which'll definitely impact my opinion on the campaign. Maybe someday though.
Publicada el 14 de septiembre de 2020.
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