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17 people found this review helpful
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14.3 hrs on record (5.9 hrs at review time)
What I like about Euro Truck Simulator 2:

It's my very first time playing a driving game since Late 1990's Nascar, and though I'm an adult and a great driver of U-Hauls, tractors, sports cars, and other fun on and off road vehicles in RL, this gives me a whole new outlook on driving! I've ridden in Rigs, many relatives of mine drive trucks, as well as a friend. I stayed in my lane mostly (until I'd hit my touch pad on my laptop, haha). I moved my turn signals to A and D since I use my mouse to steer. Q became my brights.

Gotta watch out if you pass up the gas station just a hair, there always seems to be a rig behind you and backing up ends up giving you a violation for a wreck! (Object's distance when that far back on a 1920x1080 resolution is nearly impossible to be able to judge how close that rig behind you stopped) LOL I only ran over about 15 cones in the construction area. (yeah, ONLY) haha.

(And a friend of mine was texting (in RL) while driving a rig in the game and she nearly blew through a tool booth! LMBO!!!)

I found it fun.. Some may stress over it.. but to me, it's just a game and it's fun to explore what it is like to drive a rig in a virtual reality setting. Visuals are great! Just wish that camera sound would stop when taking images! Steam uses f12 for me and this game was using both f10 and f12. I deactivated the f10 option but f12 still makes that shutter sound. Steam settings have sounds turned off for ingame captures. No clue how to fix that issue. I got a lot of speeding tickets too! haha

When I very first started playing, I forgot it was not American and I went down the wrong side of the road .. Another violation! And people keep cutting me off! But my rating for the fun/ease of use/ new experience - I'd give it a 8/10 myself.

I haven't figured out yet if hazards or high beams affect but no headlights at night = ticket/fine/loss of money. Backing up is HARD for me. I jackknifed more than I care to admit..
♥ Roll on 18 wheeler, Roll on! ♥

I hope you guys can enjoy it as I did. One more note. I used keyboard and mouse.. Mouse to steer. I played 4.1 hours straight my first game.. Must say something about how cool I think it is.. ^.^ (And you don't have to hit E to start the engine. You can hit W as well, which is "drive"..) AND you can add your own music!!! ( ♥ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♥ )

Keep an eye on your side view mirrors as you turn... Easy to hit a vehicle or other object (Signs, rails, buildings, trailers) if your turn is too sharp and getting up some hills is nearly impossible but not impossible :D

You can also adjust your seats, position in the seat and other cool little tidbit settings ^.^

Another note: I've only purchased the base game as it was a good deal but hope to purchase the others later, as they drop in price! :D Have fun truckin' if you do like these types of games! It's great, I think!
Posted 8 August, 2015.
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6 people found this review helpful
7.2 hrs on record
Loved the intro!! Guys at every corner! My only issue was running out of ammo.. haha.. I got the game on sale (maximum edition) and I love the graphics. It's also cool, I must admit, to be able to kick a car over with my mega powers!

I started the game and was stuck in it for 3 hours! I think it's a keeper.

Since I'm only 3 hours in (at my slow pace of lurking and such), I can't give a full review I suppose but I can tell you that up to this point it is awesome! I had trouble breaking my way away from it.

The abilities to increase armor and to go into stealth are awesome. You can melee in stealth if no one's around (silent kill) and I have to practice at throwing my grenades to where I get more damage per throw. Lots for me to learn but yeah, it's awesome, I think!

I took tons of screenshots if you want to check them out & I'd like to also recommend earbuds or headphones. I prefer ear buds.. It's easy to forget your surroundings if the lights are also down!

Enjoy! And for the price I paid, I can honestly say I did not waste my money!!
Posted 2 July, 2015.
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12.7 hrs on record
It's entertaining for a casual, leisure game. Though I do wish there were achievements. There are, however, trading cards!

You don't stay in the same location the whole game through so it can give you a challenge that can be a bit difficult when you first relocate but at least it gives you some variety. :)

I enjoy these types of games when I'm trying to unwind from a busy day. It's a relaxing game similar to the types of games you'd find on your cellphone or ipad without the need to keep spending real money to level up.
Posted 3 June, 2015.
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19.1 hrs on record (8.9 hrs at review time)
I haven't played it yet... I went into observer mode and I must admit that was fun to watch them chasing each other. If you mousewheel while in observer mode, you can scroll through different players. :D Great screenshots just from that. What a story you could tell with what you see in observer mode.. ^.^

I'd have to say, if you like dinosaurs, guns, matches (battles), and role-playing, you'll probably like this game. Interesting to play as other things, like dinosaurs. I like the concept. It looks pretty fun to play, though I like observing before I try. I have no idea what I'm doing with it yet. But at this point, though early on, I do recommend it to others who like this type of game.

On a down note, During the countdown after watching as an observer, my game popped up an alert that offered two options, one was to close (I think the other was to send a report to microsoft). I just closed it at this point. Going to try again...

Tried again and I LOVE THIS GAME! haha.. I do not role-play, I just play and this version has that ability. I heard the second version is mainly Role-Playing so I'll stick with this one. You can LAN this game as well, or join a server. It takes a bit to learn how to utilize your charater to it's potential but once you figure it out, you are hunting and attacking quite well at times. I still find myself running out of energy with the raptor and running in circles trying to claw my opponent until I die or run off.. You have to be a good aim and plan your attacks. You can crouch down to be silent but if you jump or roar, you are more likely to be seen.
Posted 29 May, 2015. Last edited 4 June, 2015.
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31.7 hrs on record (27.7 hrs at review time)
16 Mar 2024: I just want to say this game stays imprinted on my mind. I just saw this game in passing and remembered the good ol' days. Mostly, I remember laughing a lot, but I also recall I got frustrated with a few challenges. #Difficult (at times).
I just read what I had written before. Even though it made me LOL, it is true. If you get your arm stuck, wiggle it vigorously. lmao Trust me. It's better than many alternative options. O.o
(Screenshots Added)

18 Dec 2021: I've not played since that date but I played twice and I do miss Octodad. He was super fun to play as ♥ Below are my experiences with this game in 2015 ♥

XTS Apr 6, 2015 @ 3:45am
The few bugs I had, I posted a thread and had a very quick response. I don't know if they are actually looking into it but they do respond. :)

If you get your arm or leg stuck in something, wiggle it vigorously.. I've never had to restart from that issue. R zooms in.. :D C drops you like a limp noodle. The space bar switches between controlling your arm to controlling your legs. You can use the middle mouse button but I find using space bar works best. Practice and you will get better at it.. I recommend playing around in the beginning of the game..

Yes, you can also move around during beginning credits and closing credits. :D You can also turn off the "invisible" effect but you may get confused whether you are using your hand or legs. It does make for better screenshots though :D


I finally did "die" from being seen. I ran into a bathroom stall on accident. lol

I found a few small bugs.. There is the ability to have a checkpoint, that helps.. If the bug is still there, try restarting the level.. I only had to do that once and I played the game twice.

The two Shorts are apparently there when you begin the game. I saw them on my husband's computer. He played it carefully, I played it carelessly.

Crossing thin beams, just do small taps of the mouse and move slow!! With time, you should get better. I did.

I finally managed to get all my ties by playing whichever "chapter" had less than 3 ties. You can check this in your menu. You can also select the tie you wish to wear after finding some of them. :)

Octodad! Clumsy controls, clumsy movements. Oh, the accidents I make with him.. I've laughed harder with this game than any other I've played.


There are some tough areas maneuvering though, even with the settings on easy.. There is a Chef who likes to go after Octodad. Trying to find ties will cause you to do some crazy things, like messing up a store, or other place of business. I find it humorous. There are two "Shorts" available also. Not sure you if you need to complete the game to access them but after I played the game I saw them.

I recommend this to anyone who enjoys being clumsy or silly now and then, watching mishaps happen or trying out weird things to do (as well as a challenge). I don't want to say too much but I still want to give you an idea of what it's about.. The experience is rewarding and there are so many things you can do.. Wear sunglasses, wear a hat, open cabinets and throw things about.. But try not to get noticed or else.. back to last save point.. (never happened to me on easy though and I do not play timed so I can take my time).

I, myself, try to climb in anything and everything there is. I frequently accidentally wrap my legs around objects, people and often get things stuck to me (like chairs, ropes, etc). I'm very clumsy with this game.. There are a lot of ties so if you are going for those, look everywhere and some are pretty hard to get to. There's a tie guide online, telling you where they are, but those guides won't get your clumsy legs up there.. That, you will have to do.. haha

I posted some screenshots if you want to have a peek. I hope you enjoy this game as much as I did. Octodad is blup blurbishly hilarious..
Posted 3 April, 2015. Last edited 15 March.
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8 people found this review helpful
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63.5 hrs on record (26.5 hrs at review time)
I got so immersed in this game! I can't explain how entertaining it was to watch the cutscenes and look at the phenomenal camera angles and character's expressions.. I took quite a few screenshots. I couldn't help myself. There are minor problems, the voice cuts (choppy) at times during recap, long loading screen, lots of "where was that place again?" situations, and some say certain parts of the story didn't quite add up, though they liked the game a lot.

I loved the story, the need to think some of the puzzles through, the characters. I didn't like some of the language. They have changed with that so if you are a parent of young children and want to guard them from foul language, wait until they are not around. They do get vulgar. :-/

The innuendos didn't bother me. The little curse words didn't bother me, either.

The graphics, wow! I'd give this game a rating of 9/10, at the lowest 7/10. I only managed 75% of the achievements, will replay to get the rest after saving my files to another location. I played it safe except for one torture choice. Pip and the kidbot were my faves aside from the main charactors. I can't wait for the rest of the story!

You do not have to pay for the rest of story. One flat fee, that's it. If you do not feel you have the patience to wait for the rest of the story, either you can buy it now and just wait, or wait to buy, or not buy. (It's all up to you) ;)

This is personally my favorite type of game... I can't predict what you like. I can only tell you that I loved it!
Posted 23 March, 2015.
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23 people found this review helpful
5 people found this review funny
72.9 hrs on record (68.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
As of 21 April 2017, Loving their updates!! I still fall through the world sometimes but hitting the f1 or f2 or f3 will let you fly. I forget which one so I hit all three. lol (Panic Mode). Terraforming is awesome! Gardening has enhanced dramatically since my last update, which was quite a while back. My apologies. I still enjoy mining and I like to build into the caves, similar to housing around 50 BC to about 50 AD or so.. I like eccentric ideas. I also like to build tunnels through mountains so I don't have to always go around them.. Then within the tunnels I like to create passage ways to mining areas, and much further below!! :D I admit I still play around a lot in creative mode to learn and practice some new features as they come out and to become better at quicker building for when in a more dangerous environment :)

I keep coming back to this game to this day.. Learning the tools will help you achieve acquiring saplings, seeds, etc.. So I do recommend you check into what each tool does. Especially concerning plants and such. From castles to outdoor living, this game has a variety of choices, of ways to live/survive.. I really like that! I like my freedoms and choices in games!

Hope you enjoy Rising World as much as I do.. <3 Thanks for reading. I hope I've been of help.


Today's date is: 30 Jan 2017
Thanks for reading. I'm not a good reviewer but I hope my review has helped..

Still rating as 8/10 for explorers, creators and crafters.. Reminder, I only play in creative mode. I cannot review for other modes. Apologies.


As of May 2015, they've added mining material to the caves with the ability to smelt it down, and not long ago they added the ability to grow crops. Tomatoes, carrots. I believe there's one more but I don't recall without looking it up.


Overall, as of 5/29/2015, I still enjoy the game, building and creating (which is what it mostly is right now, though there is a few online servers for MP if I recall correctly. I also believe you can connect directly to another person's PC and co-op with them at home.

Depending on your settings, some animals can be aggressive, creating a need for survival.

There are a variety of things you can build. A castle, a small house, a tent with a fire pit. A city even.. There are many images online and screenshots here in STEAM that are amazing.

I would rate the game 8/10 right now as it's still in progress.


Update: I'm loving the improvements over the last few years! I find it much more enjoyable than before, though I still at times fall through the world in creative mode (probably all modes but I stick with creative for now). I love to mine, I love to explore, create, build, play around, grow crops, find goodies.. This game offers a nice natural variety and it's serene for me, the way I play. An escape from the woes and annoyances of real life to a world where I can be free. Free to create this world as I wish, peacefully, calmly, patiently. Free to live where I wish. I LOVE this game and I keep coming back. It's a less blocky minecraft style game in many ways. My boys try to get me to play minecraft but at my age, and with my style, I prefer visual over convenience so I like realism and natural looking objects, environments, creatures, vegetation, etc. I think I'll be returning to this game as long as it remains awesome and is available! :)

Stranded Deep is another survival game I like, as well as Savage Lands. Salt is okay too, but my faves are the 3 mentioned above. RW, SD & SL. :)

Hope I explained the style of the game enough to give you a good idea. Check out the screenshots people post and you'll get a good idea of the feel of the game. Crafting is not as tricky as it once was, as well.. I have not yet played this game with the most recent update/additions so this is a review for the previous version. Though this new update looks phenomenal. :D


As of 16 March 2015,

This game seems like a better graphic style version of minecraft, though not near as far along as minecraft. It's still pretty limited, not a whole lot to offer outside of creating & building . There are animals, only some have something to offer for dinner, the others have nothing to offer.

Cooking: Can burn your food. Wanna live as a vegetarian, you can live off of fruits of the earth :)
Posted 16 March, 2015. Last edited 21 April, 2017.
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9 people found this review helpful
24.7 hrs on record
I, myself, enjoyed this game a lot. Great graphics, detailed storyline, interesting things to find during exploration.. I admit, the music in one of the puzzles was too high pitched for me so I had to turn down the volume. :-/ Sometimes I wanted to smack J.U.L.I.A. and other times I wanted to hug her. lol She can deliver a bit of sarcasm, but so can your character.. Mobot is a very interesting assistant.. Without him, we'd be lost.

The scenes are fantasticly created. I only managed about 22 of 30 achievements, but having achievements is a plus! Makes it more fun.

I like the point and click type games like this that make you work your mind a bit.. Also tests your memory. I would explore space again w/ J.U.L.I.A. and Mobot :)

This game may not be for every type of person but those like me who like point and click, exploration, storylines, and adventure, as well as beautiful scenery, you will likely be like the many of us who liked this game. I paid full price and feel it was well worth it. ^.^
Posted 7 March, 2015.
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4 people found this review helpful
3.0 hrs on record
Early Access Review
UPDATE: Since the updates, I like the game and options better :D You can be either gender (at least in sandbox mode, which I tried) and things don't take quite as long to create/activate. Gameplay has improved since my last review so I now recommend this game. **cheers to the devs**

I'd like to thank the dev for letting me know that so much had changed and for me to try this game again. Much better gameplay for myself. This game still may not be for everyone but for me it has improved enough to enjoy it. Explore, investigate but do not over burden yourself with items. Find a place to store them.

EDIT: This is a re-review. My original review was "Not Recommended" due to my own issues with the game.

Posted 5 March, 2015. Last edited 4 June, 2015.
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A developer has responded on 24 Apr, 2015 @ 2:41pm (view response)
29 people found this review helpful
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284.3 hrs on record (150.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
(Warning: Spoilers within): Great graphics.. a few bugs (stuck under a reef deep under water, drowned). Found a raft.. lost my paddle.. Found another paddle, binoculars that don't work well and a flashlight. Killed by a shark, dang thing dragged me out deep, too.. Figured out shift helps me run faster (and swim faster).. Realized goggles and flippers are the best thing eva! Now I swim to islands.. Realized once I reach an island that I need to throw a stick down facing the direction of my last island. Rode in a wooden raft (spoiler alert: foundation laid in water) to the middle of the ocean to be thrown off.. Freaked out and swam for the nearest island. Now my raft quietly floats in the middle of the ocean.. Wish I had enough wood to make rafts towalk to each island! Loving the doors but wish being inside would warm me up. Those darn sharks got me again, then went under the island after the hotfix and update :( Killed one!! That *** is mine now, and was tasty. (spoiler alert: figured out how to place foundations on each side of a fire and place a wooden raft atop to make a stove. I don't think this is off limits to mention. I LOVE the stove!!) Wish I had the ability to make tables to put my new lantern on, and appliances for a "kitchen" and storage units, like chests or something. Will explore more soon to get more wood. Left two trees for coconuts, no chopping those down. Needed a lot of rocks.. had to go to several islands to get what I'd need to build my cottage. Saw one of those spikey fish FLYING!! It defied the laws of physics and went right over my head as I swam to another island. Killed a stingray but unsure what I can do with it, couldn't cut it so I threw it on my stove.. lol What's that even good for? Would make a nice cozy rug.. lol Got sick from a potato uncooked.. what??!! Now they are dangerous? Saw a turtle but didn't have the heart to try to kill him. Trying to take everything I find to one specific island. Navigation is difficult..Inventory is limited. O.o

This game is a keeper.. :) I'm at 35 hours of gameplay, thinking it's the fourth game (from restarting).. Hope I don't have to do that again.. Can't seem to find a Starbucks.. ^.^

5/29/2015 - They have an experimental version right now where they have moved over a large amount of the game to Unity 5. The move didn't include everything but they are updating and improving it. It's easy to opt in and to opt back out because the files are stored in two different locations for each :D

There are some good guides online to help you get started.
Posted 17 February, 2015. Last edited 28 May, 2015.
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