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Скорошни рецензии на XTS

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55.2 изиграни часа (48.5 часа по време на рецензията)
Yes! I was trying a demo of a similar game and my friends kept saying "Try Planet Crafter" and I'm like, I will. Then I try it. Dang it, I can't stop now. lol I have 48 hours currently.

(Should be mostly spoiler free)

It is beautiful in here, even on lower graphics, or lower wattage to your system. :)

It's fun to explore, though I don't like the regular settings. Things fall too fast so survival for me is a bit easier since I pretend I'm with an elite squad that have great gear that doesn't allow my needs to fall too fast so I can focus on exploring and creating, my faves. ^.^


There's things in here that are fun to watch progress. Like hope filling a dark void. It's a beautiful game of survival and progress. I'm soon to be seeing more greenery but I'm still early on.


I try to not learn too much about what to expect as the planet changes so I can watch it in awe instead of in expectation.

My friend joined my game and suddenly she had achieves for things she did not do. Sadly, she's an achievement hunter so this did not turn out well. She did find a way to reset it.

If you are an achievement hunter and want to do all of it on your own, you may need to take a few extra steps of precaution so you don't find yourself suddenly with achieves you did not accomplish.

There are bugs. The terrain is sometimes able to be seen through. You've probably seen that with other games. Cut outs in the mountains or ground/ clipping and such? You may also get stuck. I recommend saving so if you get stuck, you can just reload.

The options available are nice. They also notify you if the options in the game will affect achieves (like unlocking things in advance in custom mode). I like custom mode to make sure when I die, I don't lose everything. I hate that in games lol. I wouldn't mind if I could just loot my body but it's not quite that easy.

Everyone has their own play style and I think this game offers up many options so that many types of players can find enjoyment in this game.

It consists of survival, base building, gathering and monitoring. Growing and producing.

One last thing..... ♥
Those meteorites/meteors. They kinda hurt, but they hold a secret. Are you brave enough to let one hit you to find out what the secret is? haha

I'm an amateur reviewer, average gamer. I write reviews to share my perspective, to be combined with other reviews to get a better view of what to expect. Please read other reviews for more experiences. Sometimes good to check the discussions area and announcements area for more info on problems and updates. :D

Thanks for reading. Happy Crafting!
Публикувана 1 юли. Последно редактирана 1 юли.
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13 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
4.0 изиграни часа (1.6 часа по време на рецензията)
This game is sooooo danged cute!!

I'm really sad when they die. I love love love seeing them play.

One likes to sneeze a lot. I praised it on accident once after a sneeze so I kept praising it later for sneezing. haha It's cute.

My friend got me this game. I'm so thankful to her. This game truly caused me to see things differently. I don't have much time in the game yet. I hope to continue my journey. I'm in the middle of a challenge in another game but this one is so cute that I took a break from the other game just to play this.

I look forward to playing with my little pup creatures. :D One of mine threw itself on it's back as if it wanted a good belly rub. ♥

This game is simple to use (aside from some of the navigation from one room to the next. Still confusing to me anyhow).
It's cute and colorful. It's sad. It's exciting. It's many things in one. I do recommend this game if you like playing with genetics and colorful little critters. It's like the Hamster Playground game mixed with Spore. :)
Публикувана 15 юни.
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117 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
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164.5 изиграни часа
Why didn't I leave a review for this before now?

164.5 hours in. Many packs owned. At this time, all available states owned, but 3 states are on the way.

I once was horrible in here because my nerves were shot! So many settings, can't hit curb, can't speed, can't this, can't that, then I found the option to turn off traffic offenses :D Finally I can simulate my way. (Lest they let them start chasing me, then I may turn it back on for the fun of it. An adventure in the form of a game where you can break rules safely and it's a-okay) :D No one gets hurt, though your truck can take a beating if you have damage on. I do have many settings on.

There are several ways to play. You can convoy with friends. Perhaps strangers, but I never tried that. I played with a few buddies who already had the game and they had a nice bond going on. It was really fun. It's a memory I'll always keep with me as long as fate lets me. So many laughs.

I enjoyed testing the limits of the game's roads and trucks, with and without a load behind me. I enjoy seeking out those hidden locations you pass as you travel from one place to another. Sadly, some roads don't exactly let you know that you can not take them and you'll slam into an invisible wall. *cha-ching for the mechanic*. Then you have to back up... Tapping foot... Just wanna get back on the road again, then I can turn the page like Bob Seger did. I yelled at my vehicle "Roll on 18 wheeler, roll on", and so it did until a car cut me off. They're not always slow about it. Always be ready.

For most, I'd recommend a controller or better yet, a steering wheel set. I drive using my keyboard. Lots of quick tapping. Tendon overload at times, but I enjoy the game and have gotten mostly used to it. :D

Love the visuals. Screen capture options are amazing. Driving down the highway at 75 mph and I suddenly tap ESC to get a shot of the scene before I don't have another chance.

I don't recommend what you do in the game to be done in real life. I think simulation should be accepted loosely. lol In a more relaxed way. :)

I'll try to get some screenshots of this up here soon.
Публикувана 15 май.
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This DLC greatly improves game play with the base game.

I think I got it on sale. I hope they add some variations of the switches visuals, and perhaps do an upgrade to this DLC at some point. That'd be great!

But, it does help the base game have more interesting challenges.

I always recommend that people considering this game/DLC to read other people's reviews, and if necessary, scan the threads for repeat complaints about the game. What may work for one may not work for another. :)
Публикувана 12 март.
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34.1 изиграни часа (29.5 часа по време на рецензията)
Enjoyable Electrician Simulator

Firstly, I'd like to say that I got the game when it was on sale. I love a good sale!


There's quite a bit that I appreciate with this game. Sure, if you aren't into electrical/technical, and creativity with electrical items, you may not enjoy this game as much as I have. I also have the DLC for this game (Smart Devices). It improves game play, in my opinion.


What I like about it:
* Easy to navigate and activate, though I sometimes get confused and hit the wrong button.
* Quite a few tasks to do
* A bit more variety than just laying wires for a house. You can also repair things.
* You can rewire your own place.
* You can put many inventory items on the floor or ceiling until you are ready to use/install them.
* The computer has sales for items.
* You can favorite a certain repair job type that you enjoy. (workbench repairs)
* You can choose which job you want to take
* You can create a style of how you work (great for us with a bit of OCD) ~run lines neat and orderly, for example.
* The sensors for seeing signals, currents, lines are easy to turn on and off.
* Has a flashlight that is easy to turn on and off
* Has warning for those with sensitivities when the game begins. (Seizures can be scary)
* Has Achievements
* Has Trading Cards
* I'm sure there's other things I can't think of at the moment.

Certificate of Competition, not Completion lol I'm confused.

What I'm not fond of:
* Limited inventory for stocking up on cables, switches, etc. Cables can not be sat down in garage (that I know of).
* It can become tedious at times
* Sometimes what you are supposed to do on a job is not exactly totally clear.
* There's a grid you can't seem to hide. I think it's the zone that is picked up with the motion sensor in the DLC I got for the game. (This one may be DLC related only)
* They are calling resistors capacitors. I saw another review about that and they are correct. It seems that everything in here is a capacitor. lol They need to fix that. (There's a youtube video that is good at teaching you the differences between resistors and capacitors).
* I'm sure there's other things I can't think of at the moment.

NOTE: I have forgotten to flip a breaker a few times. That shock you get. I almost feel like I can feel it, literally. Bzzzzt ! !
Публикувана 12 март. Последно редактирана 12 март.
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9 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
5.3 изиграни часа
12 Mar 2024:
This would make a good boredom killer. It's on sale for a bit over a dollar right now (90% off) so I'd recommend it for that.

This is more of a clicking simulator. If you want more hands on, Electrician Simulator gives you a bit more. You can repair objects on a work bench with that one. This game sadly let me down. I expected a bit more hands on. Instead, it holds your hand on everything. There's no freedom. No creativity. Just click and click and click.

I can not recommend it for $13.00. It gets old kinda quick.

Rating as clicker: Great boredom killer.
Rating as a toy repair simulator 2/10.
I wish we could give a neither vote.

Note: I'd like to also add that the movement is kind of wonky. It's weird. Plus, it's over 8 GB of hard drive space. O.o Seems it'd be smaller for what it is.
Публикувана 11 март. Последно редактирана 11 март.
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1.5 изиграни часа
A short, yet free little gem of a Point & Click Adventure.

So glad I gave it a shot.

Please read other reviews for more info :)


It has a few achievements, too ^.^
Публикувана 25 февруари. Последно редактирана 25 февруари.
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0.2 изиграни часа
Can't believe I'm saying this but.... DO NOT BUY THIS GAME IN THE STATE IT IS IN!

As mentioned, this does not work. I have had no luck with any commands tried in launch options either. I've tried to find ways but I can't find a way to get this to work. Once you get into the game after all of the build up, it's a black screen. If you click top left, you can access the overlay but even that is horribly displayed. This game is heavily broken. I do not wish to go outside of steam atm so I guess I'm sol. I could ask for refund, or keep it and hope they find a way to fix it.

I paid 3.49 (50% off full price of $6.99)

Strongly Considering Refund

Found this in game parameters:
<!-- <mode type="stats_fx" x="10" y="300" />
<mode type="stats_mov" x="400" y="300" /> -->
<mode type="ipad_screen_border"/>

So I'm presuming it may have been ported over from ipad? Or using it's dimensions? IDK because much of the file is in Russian. lol

Update: I went looking for some launch options. I found a few but so far nothing is helping. Using a different directx version to other settings changes. I am not sure how many launch options there are for steam but the list wasn't a full list. I'm up to about 11 minutes in there. lol What's the return policy? I can't find it. Race against time? Or Time Spent in-game? Either way, it's not looking good :(

I even tried compatibility modes. I've learned a few things but nothing that would help with this game. I'm sorry but it's just not working. Not sure why it's even in the store TBH if it won't run . Is it running for some?

Update: There is a flag on the right side of the store page, down a bit.
Shouldn't games that are unplayable be reported?
Публикувана 22 февруари. Последно редактирана 18 юни.
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11.9 изиграни часа (8.1 часа по време на рецензията)
I give this one a 7/10 for Entertainment, Visual, Journey


* 1.43 GB Space Required

* 23 Hidden Object Games

* 24 Puzzles

* Has Bonus Chapter

* 10 Wallpapers

* 27 Movie Clips

* 5 Songs

* 10 Concept Art

* 16 (?) Morphing Objects

* 15 (?) Collectibles

* Achievements - In Game Only (No Steam Achievements)

* Options Page has a decent amount of things you can adjust for this type of game :)

Note: ? Above means I'm not sure if it's accurate

My Experience & Take on the Game

I really enjoyed the main game. I'm now on the bonus game.


Voices and animations are not always great but the visuals are very nice on the eyes. TBH I play these mainly for the adventure and puzzles so the story didn't really stick with me, but parts of it did. It was an interesting story. A few grammar mistakes lol We know how that goes. :)

Now, on to my fave parts :D

Hidden objects take a bit of looking at times. Well created in my opinion. The mini-puzzles are great. You can switch difficulty for them as well.


This is one of my favorite hidden object games. I've enjoyed it immensely and very often you can port it over to iOS using Steam so you can still enjoy it around the house w/o having to sit at a desk :) I like these puzzles at bedtime, or to relax. They are calming and enjoyable.

The visuals are my fave. They did a phenomenal job in creating this game. There are no Steam Achievements but there are in-game achievements.


I hope to find more like this. It's truly one of my all time faves.
Публикувана 15 февруари. Последно редактирана 22 февруари.
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0.0 изиграни часа
Mini-Golf made this worth it :D Let alone the other fun you can have in here, including Arcade, Trivia, Bowling, Casino, and other side games.

For me, it's mini-golf that made me want to support them. Plus, they update the game frequently :D
Публикувана 7 февруари.
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