
PinkLuver 最近的評論

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目前顯示第 1-10 項,共 17 項
總時數 9.9 小時
A nice peaceful* game where one doesn't have to think much. It has a fair bit of challenge as it requires an immense amount of patience especially getting the 25K Fish Oil for a character unlock. Otherwise it is a very enjoyable game.

* - There are critters that do attack even some that attack when you have the "Pacifist" upgrade...
- Also it has CO-OP!!!! -

The game would benefit from having more than 10 levels for the character, even 15 would greatly help especially with the random luck for upgrades showing up.
張貼於 2023 年 11 月 22 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
總時數 231.7 小時 (評論時已進行 89.2 小時)
A fun adventure which was made better with the "QoL" mod. It balances the game more so than the in game options.

I find it to be better with more people and have a rather interesting story similar to "Honey, I shrunk the kids" Saying anything about the story is a spoiler.

The only downside is Wendell Tully when found can be a death sentence as he follows you and inadvertently gets in the when when building or during combat.

I'd give this game a well deserved 9/10 as some parts are deceptively difficult and Tully, Just Tully *SIGH*
張貼於 2022 年 11 月 23 日。
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總時數 13.1 小時
After first playing the Xbox 360 versions of Halo 3 then the Halo Wars to start my Halo journey, it was a pleasure to pick this up and enjoy playing the story from the beginning. I love this title and set.

My only issue is not getting the achievements even after working tirelessly for them and needing a stupid Microsoft account when my Xbox Live inevitably got closed a while ago. My new account for this game doesn't match my desired account name and with achievements getting awarded it pains me to play it but it was a bargain to get the collection together s opposed to buying separately.
張貼於 2020 年 11 月 25 日。
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總時數 7.1 小時
One of the most fun games I have ever played.

Although the controls get awkward as you grow it's still complete-able.
張貼於 2020 年 8 月 25 日。
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2 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 56.9 小時 (評論時已進行 22.2 小時)
I would have liked to summed this up as a simple P2W (Pay to Win) game, However it can’t simply be labelled as such if you play it further. The game is overall a LIE though! And let me explain why I believe this…

Firstly paying for KP in this game can get you gear and the gear can have many perks to boost a character; more gear equipped and more perks active. You can also buy the Karma (weapons + skills) up to Lv.4 of 5 with everything unlocked at Lv.3 and below, this is handy but ill-advised as plenty of grinding will get you there too, and through grinding you lean the combos to take on opponents be they monsters or A-Holes. To get to Lv.2 is takes 34 monster battles, with you scoring above 5% contribution to both breaking guard to chipping at health.
The LIE comes from the advertisements, we were promised adventure, epic anime- inspired battles a 2v2 and up “smart match making system”. This is where it falls short; we do have a fully anime style with somewhat of a dumbed down anime battle. But we don’t have a smart match making system unless you manage to get to rank S by player raping and then want to get to G rank!!! Otherwise you as a fresh Rank E player can and most likely will be put up against the odd few B, A and S rank elites in PVP slaughter fest all sporting complete gear and will dominate you very easy!
Also you always start with a giant ass sword and a bow! It would have been better to give people a choice from the breaker weapons (all of which are primarily close range) and any of the long ranged slasher weapons.
On to my personal gripe(s):
The f—ck-ng combos that stun lock the crap out of you! Just to warn people once you leave the ground at all, you are unable to dodge or recover once attacked. This p-ss-s me off to no avail. When trying so damn hard to try to survive and I’m in mid-air for the umpteenth time getting my sweet rump handed to me, watching my health drain incredibly fast and having the burst special move ignore its command…
Hammer users are utter evil opponent but not the worst imo. They seem to effortlessly stun lock me off the ground causing me to, often let my team down and suffer a bitter defeat. The worst c-nts are the blazing fist f-ck-rs that all need to shove them fists up their own ars-s!!! Seriously them gloves are so difficult to counter, for a close ranged weapon, they don’t halve hit at some distance. When I as a player try to do similar crap am met with invisible walls and my attacks doing diddly squat when others can stun lock.
The game that we should all go to instead of this garbage would probably be “Blue Protocol” I’ll continue to try and get the achievements for this as I hate incomplete titles on my account.
張貼於 2020 年 2 月 27 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
總時數 44.2 小時 (評論時已進行 14.0 小時)

New stuff being added and the ability to drop in do a single run and see where you can get.

The only thing I don't like is the Speed-run doors, maybe because I may not be good enough to get to them or that the times are extremely unrealistic. 60 seconds to clear the Concierge found on the Black Bridge for example.

Otherwise I LOVE this game, it's one of the first ever to actually be fun to play and not be stressful at all. After dying for the umpteenth time, your like "Oh well, that kind sucked. Better do damn better next time!" And when is next time... Well, right after this time, of course.

Would I recommend? - I couldn't pick a more fun game if I tried. So, HELL YEAH!!
Get yourselves a copy and try it. Not satisfied, tell me why!?
張貼於 2019 年 12 月 4 日。
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13 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
5 個人認為這篇評論很有趣
總時數 0.0 小時
Simply put, to me, they are SH*T!

Hard to control, slower than expected and only available in 3 variations.

Needs to be more variations and versions with perks, like mountain climbing or speed boosts for example. These perks can use stamina as when stamina is completely drained from them your bike and character completely stops, making mountain climbing dangerous if not done correctly.

Also would like the bikes to be damageable from collisions and precise attacks.
張貼於 2019 年 12 月 2 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
總時數 172.9 小時 (評論時已進行 7.3 小時)
Posted: 2/12/2019
Tried this title as it was marketed very well, the artwork and trailers really sold it to me.
As of writing this I have only played solo and it was a tough experience. Forcing me to pull out my gaming skills to survive and progress. The enemies and environment are beautiful, then there's the weather! I had to stop and admire it. The graphically displeasing items are the insides of every vehicle, oh is it poor.

Machines are challenging yet fair with weak spots.
Simple enough controls and controller supported
Stack sizes of supplies are fair and reasonable
Loot is plentiful, allowing for progression at a steady pace without worrying about running low on ammo.

Bullet sponge enemies when not handled correctly
Enemies use magic bullets -
- or cover doesn't work properly
Ticks, those damn small a** scurrying jumping mecha fleas!
Stealth is inconsistent, sometimes it works others prepare for a Sh*tstorm.
Long a** treks of nothingness.

Would I recommend:
Yes, but I would say get some friends on it too. Having 1 extra person helps fill the gaps and covers some skill requirements. Having 2 extra people gives you a team with designated roles and puts skills to good use. However having 3 people gives you a squad that can coordinate tactical strikes to fell enemies and spot theats before Sh*t hits the proverbal fan and all hell breaks loose. More over this is merely theoretical as I have only played solo but looking at the skills I figured this all out.

Written: 13/12/2019
This is my 2nd review, I remade it because I have done so much more and learned so much more about the game...

I originally tried this in a solo play, got through the first tutorial section alone with no issues what-so-ever. I bought this on sale and wanted it because it was marketed really well, it was eye catching and for me unforgettable, during the Black Friday Sale of 2019 it became afforable for me, so I bought it. In the beginning it wasn't easy nor was it hard, it was tough but with medkits and ammo bountiful, it seemed fair. The enemies and environments are beautiful, then there's the weather; so much rain at times it's like being at home, a dense fog which makes IR and NV practically useless and storms that during combat make for an astounding spectacle. I have now also played multiplayer and it was great fun too, until problems arose.

The most graphically displeasing thing I've seen in the game so far is just the low renders of the insides of cars, it's so blocky and untextured. It made me stop for a few minutes to think about how the inside of a car really looks, that was until a mecha dog (Runner) decided to have a death wish and opened fire upon me and perished as a result, not before halving my health and decimating that poor car.
You can see the finer details of every enemy and the story though drawn out, is facinating. There are clear pros and cons to this game and most of the cons are mainly glitches, bugs or features for improvement.

Cons (get the crap out of the way):
Shots fired into enemies can ghost through them dealing 0 (ZERO!) damage! (Happened the most with Runners, but has occured with others)
Enemies use magic bullets, or cover doesn't work properly! Hiding behind a wall and we take 20 HP of damage against a Prototype Runner randomly. I am aware of Armour Piercing but seriously, cover becomes meaningless and their shot quickly become utter B*llSh*t.
Leading to, Can't hide worth Sh*t! Once that yellow stealth/detection marker comes up, it doesn't matter what you do because the neighbourhood KNOWS you're there. It will quickly flash red then all hell breaks loose and IF you survive, you just gotta pray that a Seeker wasn't there because that hell would be nothing to a group of 6 Apocalypse Hunters doing their thing, which is tearing you a new one! Though I have had times where I have been crouched perfectly still and that stealth actually worked and the Runner (Apocalypse Class) just bugg*r*d off. I was so happy and relieved, that I literally almost wet myself from the tension.
Game progress can hard lock, while doing multiplayer or by accidentally going to do things early. I have had 2 missions (Flying Objects & Lost & Found) not complete for NO apparent reason, I did everything that was required and have a friend that also completed Flying Objects for it to complete, the only difference between our games was that I managed to sneak all the way through that mission with 0 alerts and they had to deal with a Tank (FNIX) and its cohorts.
Multiplayer is very BUGGED - Details below with a suggestion about using Multiplayer in 2 ways.
The in game storge sucks! You have 100 slots to be shared across 4 characters and weapons take up 2 slots each or and extra slot per attachment including ammo! It should really be weapons take up 2 slots in inventory but only 1 slot in the storage even when it has full attachments. Collectors aren't permitted to collect every top teir weapon (Special / Experimental) and fully kit them out without using at least 2 characters as storage.
Dropped equipment breaks down to individual components. This isn't too bad on single player just time consuming putting things back together but on Multiplayer it becomes an opportunity for "Friends" to steal some good loot (Lost a Special Handgun Silencer due to this).
All 4 characters share the story, quests, collectables and map progress. This becomes severely problematic if you suffer from any of the many glorious glitches this game seems to like dishing out. I'm currently arranging with my friend to lend my equipment (Special / Experimental Gear) so I can fully delete my save(s) so that I can complete the missions. Losing all of my challenge progress over 3500 machines killed, 78 prestige points earned as of last looking and EVERY single apparel item I had unlocked, all because of a hard locking bug! It was the culmination of 96 hours worth of excruciatingly hard work
Finally there are MANY long A** treks of absolute nothingness! There are no enemies, towns or anything of interest, just rocks, trees and bushes, or sometimes none of that just plains. This is only made better when dense fog rolls in or it is raining heavily, this provides atmosphere and enough tension to suffocate a baby goat. When you hear the roar of the machines from beyond the hills/valleys and your butt clenches hard enough to smother a walnut into dust. It is just great, but otherwise it is a very dull experience.

Pros (Yay the happy stuff, or not?!):
The weapons feel progressive, even if you manage to obtain a high leveled, high teired weapon early on (Experimental Pvg90 for example) its ammo will most likely be held by tougher opponents (Military Teir or higher; Tanks and Harvesters in this instance). Or later loot zones drop more powerful ammo too.
Loot boxes in later regions match ammo for currently equipped weapons. I'm not certain but it feels a lot like this is happeneing, I moved to .44 Magnus, Pvg 90 and AG5 and from South Coast Region onwards I recieved ammo packs mainly for these weapons. To the point where I was not picking it up from having too much.
The machines are challenging yet seem fair. They are very tough to fight, can appear in large groups and seem to just fall from the sky, but every machine has its weak point(s), (Ticks have a huge A** to shoot and die to a single pistol round). Blueprints can be found to identify weak points, equipmment and skills exist to identify weak points or record health through Binoculars. Be aware that the enemies gain more components and armour as their class increases (Prototype - Military - FNIX - Apocalypse)
The controls are simple enough, though I don't like that reload is also pick crap up and open sh*t. But it's no big deal just a slight irritation waiting for that animation to end before being able to protect myself.
Continued in Comments...
張貼於 2019 年 12 月 2 日。 最後編輯於 2019 年 12 月 14 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
總時數 68.3 小時 (評論時已進行 51.4 小時)
A fabulous multiplayer game. Has single player functionality but is definitely best played with a couple of friends, Also better if none of you have the solutions when trying to solve the puzzles. Leads to laughs and generally a fun time.
張貼於 2019 年 11 月 9 日。
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總時數 8.8 小時
A thrilling tale with a surprising twist, not to spoil anything.

The game can be pretty dark and the limited amount of Flares makes the player want to be sparing but I'll let you know that as long as you maintain 3 or more you will be fine throughout the game. Me and my girlfriend played this together and only got stuck on Following Procedures, Level 8, as in this level there is bountiful supplies at the beginning which dwindle immediately upon travelling further and the environment is pure evil as I accidentally stood in the wrong place and died.

The atmosphere is intense, best played in a dark room with surround sound and the screen slightly dimmer. As someone who is petrified of being submerged, this was a nightmare for me and the horror images weren't necessary as I was at my limit already. The story in this game is fantastic and the attention to detail with the additional book and radio messages made me forget that I was in a game, I felt that I was experiencing a real event in history.

Now there are some cons; the guy we are; is such a panicky b*tch, I mean he loses 12% oxygen sometimes from seeing a fallen friend or colleague and this is before the really freaky stuff happens. The squids/octopuses with their 30 yard ink spray was also not necessary.

This is a great game because the gameplay is simple enough, all of the controls are taught early on and it makes you feel.
張貼於 2019 年 6 月 29 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
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