The Conductor
New York, United States
We Have a Problem Here
Vetrina degli achievement più rari
Illbert 25 giu, ore 17:20 
Saw a post you made, liked it, figured I'd add you and see if we get along. Accept or decline, no worries.
Illbert 8 mag, ore 20:41 
Illbert 8 mag, ore 0:19 
On the fateful day of January 5, 1477, Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, met his untimely demise in a most unexpected and tragic manner. His beloved pitbull terrier, Cupcake, turned on him with unbridled ferocity, inflicting mortal wounds that would ultimately prove fatal.

According to eyewitness accounts, Charles had been engaging in a game of rough play with Cupcake in the courtyard of his castle when the dog's demeanor suddenly shifted from playful to predatory. The Duke, taken aback by the sudden turn of events, attempted to defend himself, but Cupcake's jaws held fast, refusing to relinquish their deadly grip.

As the Duke's retainers rushed to his aid, they found him lying in a pool of blood, his limbs mangled and his body torn asunder. Despite their valiant efforts to stem the bleeding, Charles's life slipped away, his final moments a testament to the unpredictable nature of even the most loyal of companions.
Illbert 5 mag, ore 5:56 
Is that real?
Lu Lu :) 5 mag, ore 5:34 
Illbert 11 apr, ore 0:49