Ωmega Kiowa
Outer Heaven - Where Men Become Demons

Militaires Sans Frontières - Soldiers Without Borders

We will forsake our countries, we will leave our Mother Lands behind us and become one with this Earth.
We have no nation, no philosophy, no ideology, we go where we're needed, fighting not for country, not for Government, but for ourselves.
We need no reason to fight, we fight because we are needed.
We will be the deterrent for those with no other recourse.
We are soldiers without borders, our purpose defined by the Era we live in; We will sometimes have to sell ourselves and services.
If the time demand it, we'll be revolutionaries, criminals, terrorists.
And yes, we may all be headed straight to Hell, but what better place for us than this?
It is our only home.
Our Heaven, and our Hell.
This, is Outer Heaven.
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Viimeaikainen toiminta
yhteensä 44 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 3.10.
yhteensä 774 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 1.10.
yhteensä 27 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 1.10.
Sorearm 31.12.2020 klo 10.55