Billy Evans   Anse aux Pins, Seychelles
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My story.
My name is Billy Evans. I am a very sick little boy. My mother is typing this for me, because I can't. She is crying. The reason she is so sad because I'm so sick. I was born without a body. It doesn't hurt, except when I try to breathe.
The doctors gave me an artificial body. It's a burlap bag filled with leaves. The doctors said that was the best they could do on account of us having no money or insurance.
I would like to have a body transplant, but we need more money. Mommy doesn't work because she said no one hires crying people. I said, "Don't cry, Mommy" and she hugged my burlap bag. Mommy always gives me hugs, even though she's allergic to burlap and it makes her sneeze and chafes her real bad.
I hope you will help me. You can help my if you post this message everywhere you can. Dr. Johansen said that every time this message is posted, Bill Gates will team up with AOL and send a nickel to NASA. With that funding, NASA will collect prayers from school children all over America and have the astronauts take them up into space so that the angels can hear them better.
Then they will come back to earth and go to the Pope, and he will take up a collection in church and send all the money to the doctors. The doctors could help me get better then. Maybe one day I will be able to play baseball. Right now I can only be third base.
I try to be happy, but it's hard. I wish I had a kitty. I wish I could hold a kitty. I wish I could hold a kitty that wouldn't chew on me and try to bury its turds in the leaves of my burlap body. I wish that very much.
Thank You, Billy "Smiles" Evans :billy:
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1,937 hrs on record
last played on 31 Jan
5.3 hrs on record
last played on 18 Jan
552 hrs on record
last played on 18 Jan
Slip 27 Nov, 2022 @ 12:19pm 
Lager 22 Sep, 2019 @ 2:54pm 
bøg javel
diana 31 Mar, 2019 @ 1:34pm 
+реп вери friendly
INDRA 13 Mar, 2019 @ 1:26pm 
هذه الرسالة هي إعلام جميع مستخدمينا ، أن خوادمنا كانت مزدحمة للغاية في الآونة الأخيرة ، لذلك نحن نطلب منك مساعدتك لحل هذه المشكلة. نطلب من المستخدمين النشطين إعادة توجيه هذه الرسالة إلى كل من الأشخاص الموجودين في قائمة جهات الاتصال الخاصة بك من أجل تأكيد مستخدمي Facebook النشطين إذا لم تقم بإرسال هذه الرسالة إلى جميع جهات الاتصال الخاصة بك على فيسبوك ، وسيبقى حسابك غير نشط مع نتيجة فقدان جميع your cont نقل هذه الرسالة. سيتم تحديث هاتفك الذكي خلال الـ 24 ساعة القادمة ، وسيكون له تص
Sven-E 23 Feb, 2019 @ 12:01pm 
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rain drop ? 13 Feb, 2019 @ 6:14am 