Henrique   Brazil

If you can stick to these simple rules, you will maybe not see a difference on your scoreboard, but you will win so many more games and get to a higher elo.

✅ Give information as soon as you see an enemy

✅ Keep your calls as short as possible (“2 rushing B, one has 10HP!”)

✅ Be pro-active and give your ideas, but don’t force them onto people (“Let’s try to rush B this round, ok?”)

✅ Update your team on your plans after someone gets an entry frag on T-side (“Rush A now, only one more player on site!” or “Ok, let’s group up in front of B”) Do the same on CT-side if you rotate: ”I am helping A, someone from B go and hold mid please”

✅ When you are dead and you spectate someone, call for them if they are not doing it themselves!

✅ Keep the mood light and tell your teammates that you still believe in the comeback when the odds are not in your favour

✅ Look at the mini map often to understand which calls you should give to your teammates (*e.g. When you and your teammate are in a 2v5, but your teammate is on the other side of the map, you don’t need to tell him that you got flashed or that you need to reload)

✅ Speak loudly and clearly

❌ Ask the infamous “why-questions” (“Why did you flash me?”, “Why did you die on B?”, “Why did you not kill him?”) – This will help absolutely no one and you will just start a fight. Trust me, everyone is trying their best.

❌ Suddenly try be the personal coach of your teammate and try to tell him about all of his mistakes and how to fix them – You will never meet these people again and lessons should be learned after the game. During the game, focus on performing.

❌ Try to be the boss of your team

❌ Give excuses after you died (just say that you died and give info)

❌ Run very complicated strategies (depends on the skill level you are playing at. e.g. I wouldn’t expect Faceit Level 5 players to be able to do a connector rush on Mirage with an instant window smoke, but on Level 10 3k elo everyone can do this)

❌ Talk when your last teammate is trying to 1vX (unless you are 100% sure that they didn’t notice an enemy on their screen or didn’t hear a footstep because they aren’t reacting to it)

❌ Scream, but don’t talk too quietly either

❌ Get into fights