United States
Currently Offline
Currently trade banned
Screenshot Showcase
Karambit ruby
Please be inform of the following :
If you are looking to report a scammer and have them marked, please fill out a scam report. Goto {LINK REMOVED} Please note, SteamRep cannot return your items. http://steamproxy.net/discussions/forum/search/?q=items+not+showing+after+trade

Just send me an invite and I'll accept if I have time. Please be ready if I accept your invitation. If you leave a comment (you are welcome to, its encouraged) expect a ton of impersonators to add you pretending to be me.

Please be careful, impersonators are very good at convincing you they are someone else. There are lots of them and they WILL scam you if you're not careful. Don't trust any links sent to you

Got Scammed / Getting Scammed?
Make a report on my community! We can get users banned on SteamRep. Read more information by clicking here. [{LINK REMOVED}]

SmexyTrading [Donator]
Click here to send our automated donation bot a trade offer! I take manual donations but this bot is much faster to add your permissions if its online.
You can click here to send me a trade offer to purchase [Donator] or [Lifetime Donor].

Prices are as follows:
1 Keys = 1 Months
2 Keys = 3 Months
4 Keys = 6 Months
6 Keys = 9 Months
7 Keys = 12 Months
10 Keys = Lifetime (Extra commands and tag included)

You can type !helpmenu in game chat to see what [Donator]'s and [Lifetime Donor]'s receive.

Join my Discord server. [discord.gg] I generally keep my friendslist somewhat clear, so this is the best place to contact me!