Glory to those who held the line.
Raven's Quote Wall
"Where men are forbidden to honour a king they honour millionaires, athletes, or film-stars instead: even famous prostitutes or gangsters. For spiritual nature, like bodily nature, will be served; deny it food and it will gobble poison." -C. S. Lewis

"Y'know the expression "Finger Lickin' Good.." actually comes from when Colonel Sanders was bullseyin' krauts with his Wolverine"-Grouse

"A king is no king without his people. But people without a king are lost as well"-Lan Fan

"Ihr seid mer ja scheene Demogradn!" -König Friedrich August III

"If I am afraid to be beaten, then where is the pride when I win" -Excerpt from I Follow My King

"And if you have to cross thin ice—then cross it in a dance!"-Excerpt from Heralds Harpers, and Havoc: Philosophy"

"For you must find your own way there judge what is sound and true"-Excerpt from Heralds, Harpers & Havoc: Healer's Dilemma

"Never waste your pity on the snow -
Always keep your caution, for all you think you know,
For as the world is beautiful, likewise is it cruel -
And death is always waiting for a fool."

"I'm not a sadist i'm creative"

-The Few the Pious-

"House Highground: We have it" -Lovemaker

"Flip a horse and light it on fire!" -IB

"Getting Muslim'd"-Tim

"I just clicked on Jessica Rabbit porn"-Reynauld

"I'd beat her with a club"-IB

"I'm not J.R.R Tolkein Martin, I don't know how to write videos."-Lovemaker

(Talking about a random 300lbs chick)"I know what IB would do to her, hit her with a club-me""Yeah, can you imagine what kind of loot that thing has"-IB

"Don't look at me in that tone of voice"-Lovemaker

(On the topic of a wall on the border)"If we had a wall I could just look down and throw a spear at them"-IB

"Don't run, more Blee!"-Kathryn

"Good. Cogs for the Holtzer machine."-Xethos

"Mecca is like Las Vegas for Muslims"-Lawrence of Eurabia

"How do you window lickers remember to breath."-Random Person on NA1

"I finally got back to my natural state, it feels like food poison."-Xethos

"Im a nightmare for resturant staff."-Xethos

"I just think it's really funny to take advantage of midgets"-IB

"Migets are so easy to manipulate and weak"-IB

"10:45 PM - Xethos: The practicality of landing there was my concern.
10:45 PM - "Raven": it doesent have to be practical it just has to work"

"It's so early it's late"-Guardian

"<02:35:24> "Xethos": I have instant ramen . . . can't eat it because I have no microwave . . .
<02:35:31> "Raven": ^
<02:35:33> "Xethos": Actually, I could use my coffee pot to do it" - Xethos

(Melting Butter and Heating up pot pies with a heat fan @ Xethos)

"I only know pre 1806 tactics."-Xethos

"I don't even know where I am sometimes. Do you know how hard it is to be SillyWilly."-SillyWilly

"Can you be the preacher for our wedding?"-SillyWilly

"12:45 AM - Xethos: I think I just tried to drown myself reflexively"-Xethos

"12:46 AM - Xethos: Squirted myself with my water bottle."-Xethos

"I'm SillyWilly i'm the best."-Akula

"7:33 PM - Xethos: lol, Mafia don't want you. They don't know you can beat Marcello"-Xethos

"Let's go find the Mafia Headquarters(Akula). Let's go to Marchello's house(Raven)."

"Italy isnt a country it's a boot"-Lovemaker

"I have less self awareness than SillyWilly"-Xethos(In reference to making characters in rps)

"His noodle art is unrivaled"-IB

"What's the name of Bruce Jenner's new girl look"-Anonymous

"Xethos is my pet hamster tbh"-Solberg

"I don't make blunders.... Chaaaarge!"-Xethos

"I used to drive the batmobile now I drive a hamster wheel"-Xethos

"Never shoot the inaccurate, for fear of shooting hands"-DaMonkey

"I'm A Grenzer!"-Members of the Z-Team

"It's going to be oka.. Ohhh no."-DaMonkey

"7.92×57mm Mauser is the best bullet on God's green earth"-DaMonkey

"Historically accurate weeaboo ♥♥♥♥"-Guardian

"Toddlers are just stupid Migits"-IB

"I just got gangbanged like a white girl at college"-Shawn

"*tips ushanka*"-Ak

"10:55 PM - Xethos: How can stomach fluid if not coffee?"

"You see that everything, kill it"-Xethos

"He's an angry elf, must be a south pole elf."-Charles Bandwidth

"I was only 8 years old when lenin first defeated gilgamesh in a basketball tournament"-Anya

"You're a Lucifarian, so you smoke the devil's lettuce?"-Kozak

"6:05 PM - Kozak: I thought we were friends
6:05 PM - Kozak: Friends let friends live with them
6:17 PM - Kozak: We'd spend all night braiding each other's hair and talking about boys and painting our nails
6:17 PM - Raven: quoted
6:17 PM - Kozak: I dare you
6:17 PM - Kozak: I'll say even gayer things
6:18 PM - Kozak: just for u bb"

"Howdy... Howdy.... How-Kill the Jews"-DaMonkey

"I'm not a darkie im just tan."-Akula

"5:21 PM - Xethos: This damned cafeteria
5:21 PM - Xethos: I think they laced my poison with food, but I'm not sure"

"I'm there in spirit(Ikumi). That's why I got teamkilled!(Xethos)."

"This weird Indian thing we got going on. Not that bad."(Major Rikkord)
"This oro se do bheatha bhaile."(Major Rikkord)
"It's Irish not Indian"(Raven)
'White Indians"(Major Rikkord)

"Raven is that your picture?(Kozak) Yeah.(Raven) You're really cute.(Kozak)

"5:55 PM - Koziet: In my mind, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ is like every other word"(Kozak)

"6:59 AM - Koziet: I'll suck your ♥♥♥♥ if you buy me a csgo knife"(Kozak)

"Crispy Cops that sounds like a kind of doughnut"-Thunderstormer

"No don't watch me."-Yooper

":corncob:" -Xethos

"You should contemplate the eternal sleep(Xethos) Did you just tell me to kill myself?(Raven)."

"We need to invest in a shotgun"-Thomas

"He says he's a firefighter. Maybe he's just an autistic kid with a firetruck who thinks he's a firefighter."-Lovemaker

"I need to watch the terrorist I mean dog"-Thunderstormer

"10:20 PM - Xethos: 22:18 - Silvermoss: so I'm kind of sad the hurricane's gone."

"So people have been texting me for the past hour and i've been ignoring them.(Raven) You should tell them to contemplate the eternal earthquake(Xethos)."

"I think Ikumi is scared of IB." I think Ikumi is a midget."-Xethos

"I think Ikumi is a really intelligent guy"-SillyWilly

"Skyrim for the Skyrimders"-Ikumi

"I didn't lose to many troops just alot"-Ikumi

"Japan is the 50th American State, I revoked Hawaii's Statehood and made it a province of Japan."-Ikumi

"I get lost in thought while I get naked."-Kozak

"Someone needs wounded!"-Thunder

"Help i'm being scalped!"-Damonkey

(On the topic of there being a higher power) "What if the higher power walks among us, and it is Ikumi, and we've been picking on it.(Raven) Then God owes me money(Xethos)

"You think you're in debt?! We're just getting started!"-Ikumi

"I care more about my stats than I care about my team."-Xethos

"<17:45:35> "DrTaco": What in the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
<17:45:49> "DrTaco": My snow textures are all just a bunch of arrows
<17:45:52> "DrTaco": What is this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥"

"3:03 AM - Xethos: I played CK2 earlier with what used to be the 4thKGA
3:03 AM - Xethos: Readied up, went and got dinner, came back, and they were still in the character designer
3:03 AM - Xethos: So I went and got another dinner"

"Ikumi is it okay if I do missile tests?(Akula) I like incest(Ikumi)."

Xethos: "Think of all the NW you've missed!".
Raven: "Now you've done it Xethos, you've gone and made me angry."

"We've triumphed over the Amish camera gods that steal your soul"-Dan

"I had to make Meth a controlled substance in this channel."-Xethos

"I think a Bass Pro Shops would be more effective at dealing with fish people
It'd help mobilize the recreational militia"-Xethos

"A Democracy is an Oligarchy where the public don't know the Oligarchs names."

"Im currently purging islam and forcing nobles to take tests."-Ikumi
Raven's Quote Wall Part 2
"[12:36 PM]
Yeah id love to just fix everything as i see it but i also dont want to actually run all of that nonsense
I would make Akula not run off in the middle of conversations though

[12:37 PM]
♥♥♥♥ that guy

[12:37 PM]
that would be punishable

[12:37 PM]
He's from Indiana, that place is garbage

[12:37 PM]
Congratulations Kozak you've made the newest entry on the quote wall"

"A window is just glass that hasn't cut you yet"-Paul

"Why would he be on your bed Ikumi you ♥♥♥♥♥, more like Ikuwhori'-Yooper

"Those who have swords and know how to use them, but keep them sheathed will inherit the world."-Jordan Peterson

"It feels like refereeing a spelling contest with two illiterates"-Xethos

"Ikumi how come all your ESO friends are cowards"-Xethos

"I'm a professional gambler."-Akula

"It's a miracle I went to college at all considering I graduated from NW."-Xethos

"I told my partner I was going to have a surprise today. I just didn't tell them I would break into a government facility to do it." -some clown
bAKE 🍨 13. Juli 2020 um 23:14 
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