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1 van de 28 (4%) prestaties behaald:
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Horse Senseless

Buy a crazy horse
Ontgrendeld op 16 jun om 10:28

A Real Underdog

Buy a dark horse

Looking a Ghost Horse in the Mouth

Buy a pale horse


Fully populate the Dirtwater jail


Fully populate the Dirtwater morgue

Our Daily Bread

Solve all of Breadwood's problems

In a Row?

Discover 37 map locations out West

Three Bridges Too Far

Build three kinds of bridges (over three playthroughs)

Contributing to the Delinquency of a Miner

Finish the game with Crazy Pete

The Hard Way

Finish the game with the Hard Hat

The Really Hard Way

Finish the game with the Hard Hat in a single game day

Number One With a Bullet

Discovered the true secret of Gun Manor

Spirit Guide

Dealt with all 13 of the Gun Manor ghosts peacefully

These Violent Ghosts Have Violent Ends

Reckoned with all 13 of the Gun Manor ghosts

14 verborgen prestaties resterend

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