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254.7 hrs on record (77.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Responsive, realistic, and plenty of maps made already from games like CounterStrike, Halo, GoldenEye, and others. Great VR shooter that's definitely worth the price.
Posted 22 November, 2018.
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17.6 hrs on record (17.4 hrs at review time)
This game will humble you, and it will look and sound so very good while doing so.

In my opinion, this game is worth 20$ for just the art and sound design. It's also worth 20$ JUST for being a very challenging, very tightly controlled platformer, AND worth 20$ just for the level design and tons and tons of boss fights.

I knew this was a good purchase within 5 minutes of starting it up, you will too, scroll back up and buy it.
Posted 12 October, 2017.
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16 people found this review helpful
6.2 hrs on record (4.2 hrs at review time)

This game is incredible. I can't believe this is mixed, it's EXACTLY what it's advertised as. A procedurally generated gorefest, and literally nothing else. If you see a negative review and that person is 1) on a steam account that's not 8 or more years old 2) complaining about dumb AI 3) complaining about difficulty 4) talking about how bare bones it is; there's a 90% chance they don't understand the entire idea behind this game. It's a skill based, incredibly hard, incredibly gory game for people who could beat Doom or Quake or Serious Sam blindfolded but still play it all the time because we just love wrecking legions. It's not made for the people who are new to shooters or think Overwatch is hard.

90% of reviewers aren't even playing this game right. Strafejumping/bhopping is critical in later levels, as is the ability to fire while sprinting, jumping and watching where you're going at the same time, for minutes straight. Most of the people who don't get this game never played or got really good at the games it's paying homage to. Everything about this game is spot on, to the point of being purposely low quality in places to be 1996 about it. (The skipping intro for Devolver, for instance, is purposeful, games used to have their cutscenes on CD, that sound means you have a scratch, usually because you play it a lot.) The game is solid and fun, but not easy.

Buy this game. The soundtrack is worth 7$ as well. You can trust literally everything Devolver publishes. They're adding more to it, zones, weapons, enemies, guns. It comes with an arena mode that scores you by gallons of blood spilled, and unlocks more powerups and guns to start with each round every time as you go. Arenas are also procedural, they aren't the reused levels.

Game is badass. Hope they do more like this.
Posted 24 May, 2017.
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17.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Hopefully now that it's free to play, more people will play this. The most fun I've ever had with a videogame CCG.
Posted 10 April, 2017.
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2 people found this review helpful
9.1 hrs on record (8.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This RTS hybrid is really, really satisfying to play. If you like any sort of RTS game, or MOBA, you really will love this. Bit of a learning curve, but if you've played either of the genres before, you'll be fine. Would 100% recommend.
Posted 22 March, 2017.
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63.8 hrs on record (37.1 hrs at review time)
This game is incredible. More depth, more options, more strategy, and none of the old features that are seldom even used like asynchronous multiplayer taken out for no reason. 9/10, only because I've wanted things in this game for a long time.

People are complaining that builders are not infinite now, and run out after 3 uses. It's in 90% of the negative reviews on this page at time of writing. At the bare minimum, using a builder I trained in 300 BC to help build my first tank factory makes little to no sense. This being a strategy management game, making a resource that is a massive part of the world's collective cost (labor) makes sense both in the context of the game and the entire spirit of how to succeed at Civ.

People are also talking about the AI. I have every Civ game on Steam, and I can tell you, you only have to read the first half of 70% of the comments to realize most of these people have no idea how ANY of the rules you don't learn in the tutorial work. This game is complex. There are lots of reasons leaders can dislike you, and sometimes it's just their warlike personality or you making trades with their enimies. There are SO many nuances to this game that you have to play or read about it for hours knowing everything to really see the entirety of the situation at hand. Sorta like, you know, ruling a nation. Plenty of people fail to see the big picture. Also, if you're playing on simple difficulties, it's called "easy" for a reason. The full extent of the AI isn't supposed to be there. That's why you can still play it without raging. :steamsalty

Overall, if you like Civilization in general, and you already understand how the game works, I promise you'll have no issue with this game. Some of the reviews say "get 5" and those are the people who have only played Civ 5, lemme tell you. Each one of these games is a different version of itself, and everything has a purpose. Put on the largest map, grab 4 friends, and hang out. This game is worth.
Posted 23 February, 2017.
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277.8 hrs on record (45.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This game is full of solid mechanics, looks good, "feels" good, is ENTIRELY free with 0% p2w factor, is an -3gb download, and will run on a potato. It was made by the people who created Smite, so it's balanced well and kills are satisfying. The tone is much less "spam your skills" and more "make your shots"; i.e. the hitboxes aren't a hot bag of garbage. The skills are incredibly varied, from ultimates to regular skills to even the basic attacks, but no one character feels "cheap."

-sigh- Yes, it's like Overwatch, but you won't accidentally fall asleep and drool on yourself while playing it.

Posted 12 October, 2016.
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33.2 hrs on record (30.6 hrs at review time)

This is a great game, a wonderful, open world driving game with plenty of extra collectables and almost 200 cars to try out! My favorite part of this game is the solid attention to detail and the realistic first person driving mode. All of the locations are geographically modeled after real places! You maynever get to visit them, but now you can race them!

This game is great fun with mutiple friends, or alone, especially as a laid back timewaster type option. It has its flaws, but it's a solid game for people who love to drive!
Posted 2 February, 2016.
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7 people found this review helpful
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176.0 hrs on record (37.6 hrs at review time)
this game is not easy

you are welcome


>mechwarrior PC player since 1989
>MWO since closed
Posted 13 December, 2015. Last edited 13 December, 2015.
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16.4 hrs on record (7.5 hrs at review time)
Posted 24 April, 2015.
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