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게시 일시: 2018년 5월 18일 오전 10시 42분

After a long period on this game, I found that it became very repetive and a bit to easy to gain money and I honestly felt no sense of achievement. However, the reason why I recommend this game is because it has a LOT of potential. I would like to see an aspect of Property mangement where you can rent properties to AI and make money another way. I would like for you to be able to install new things and there needs to be a lot more new things you can do to stop the element of becoming repetitive. Some ideas I have are garden management, extensions to houses, loft conversions, basement renevations, decking and many other things that could be added. There also needs to be a lot more in terms of customization.
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76561199768101005 2024년 9월 4일 오전 11시 22분 
Yeah, I get that. It def gets repetitive after a while. A lot of potential tho! More stuff to do would be awesome. 👍